Friday, January 16, 2015

The literacy sexuality or how to turn yourself into a sex bomb

How to become a real sex bomb

The literacy sexuality or how to turn yourself into a sex bomb

Say that such a thing as "sex apil" either congenital, or it is not. You want to confirm - find a picture of the Madonna in childhood. That's where certainly does not smell nor sexuality or charm. And who of us can say beautiful in the traditional sense of the word, for example, Liza Minelli? Barbara Streisand so long nose, in profile it looks like a Heron. And who notices this? See us as we serve. So, to become sexy is not so unattainable as it may seem.

The main mistake is to confuse the appeal and vulgarity. But sometimes the line between these two images and notions women do not see in focus. But men, by the way, feel sexuality is literally a scent, and from vulgarity, though not shies, but are only for very specific purposes.

Image of sexy ladies replicated on the covers of women's novels downright dazzling as velvet shimmering gown (actually velvet robe I only on pictures and saw), languid eyes called "five minutes before fainting", deep neckline, bow lips, the edge of the house... in short, grab and run until recovered. Yes, it is, of course, sexy. But this position is not salinesi for 24 hours. What to do?

Do not frighten the eagle!

If we want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, you should know some of the nuances. For example, stylists believe that black and brown are not suitable for visits, as boring and bland. It is better to wear clothes that are bright, but not flashy colors. Color extremes and garish makeup are perceived by men at the biological level of aggression. Scared they are very. I'm afraid they are also loud laughter, harsh voices and... strong thinness. I just remembered a manual for hunting squirrels: Squirrels is a very inquisitive animals. They stand on the hind feet that stretch column and look: not if the eagle flies, not creeps if a snake? And the most attentive get the bumper in the forehead! "

Their mores

Feeling a rush of adrenaline from the kind ladies in deshabille men, however, it turns out, is considered the most sexy look when you... go home in an old men's shirt, carelessly killed, her hair disheveled. The paradox? Not at all. The illusion of vulnerability, women are attracted no less attention and sometimes gives much more sexuality than high heels, red lipstick (by the way, not everyone is) and lace underwear, writes Sexyweek.

At the same time, according to the results of the Internet poll 98, 9 percent of men said that their attention will undoubtedly attract a woman in a mini-skirt with a sweetheart neckline and heels, girl, skiing, and a woman dressed conservatively. Here and pulls a joke on the theme of "everything that moves", but we modestly silent, standing on skis. Thus, we came to the simple conclusion that for men the universal formula of female attractiveness does not exist.

Herself directed

Let's start with the fact that we define what is sexuality? It turns out that the concept of this happened not from the word "sex" as a designation of sexual intercourse, and from the Latin sexus, meaning "sex". That is, looking at you, man must understand that the woman before him. Show it without straining a complex task, and if you to your fingertips full of complexes.

Sexuality is not a combination of clothes, cosmetics and plastic surgery. It is a certain way of thinking and internal internal freedom, the beginning of the knowledge of themselves as women. Remember the heroine of the film "the Most charming and attractive", which is scored, a bent being turned into a beauty. Meanwhile, external beauty is not played in this transformation the main role. From the point of view of the rules, the main secret of sex appeal is considered positive view of himself and his life, and under the appearance of inner peace. For some it's jeans and a t-shirt, for others - a little black dress and court shoes, for the third - a business suit, a La Margaret Thatcher.

I'm under the mirror clean

The main attack on sex appeal do to ourselves we do when we ourselves don't give a damn. For example, if you slouch, gorbies, shuffle your feet, do not watch the nails and hair... About such things as sex appeal, you can forget. Well, except that guy a few years in prison, sat. There are a few simple rules that will help you learn how to live and not to suffer, and also to develop inner freedom " that, strange as it may sound, and begins sexuality.

Take care of your body, make it the way you want it to be. If not, learn to live in it. The views of men even on the street - this is a kind of touch. They cannot be afraid, they need to swim like a cat basking in the sun. Can't relax, there is a very good way, which at first glance seems simple - sign up for a massage. If you allow another person to touch you, you will realize that it may just be nice.

Start pleasing yourself. For example, pleasant smells. Spirits of itself, but the smells, developmental sensitivity, should be present in your daily life. Fragrant spices when cooking, why not? Look wonderful movie "the Princess of spices" and you will see how the flavors associated with femininity and charm.

Stop eating from simple bowls and drinking coffee from some chipped mugs. Everything should have its own beauty and joy, any thing to do is to surrender completely. This is called to enjoy the mundane things - Ironing, coffee, inhaling the fresh morning air on the way to work. Absorb the sounds of the world around you - the creak of the swing, the rustle of grass in the wind... Listen to music and do not deny yourself the pleasure to sing. Well, God is with them that have no voice, if you want to sing. In the end, the heroine of O Henry found the man of her dreams, making this crazy thing is going to walk in velvet evening dress in a terrible downpour. Just because she wanted so much.


to be continued

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