Walking: indeed, the clearest demonstration of the truth "That have no value". After all, to overestimate the benefits of this, at first glance, such a natural and usual classes, it is impossible! Believe it or not, but ordinary Hiking capable of miracles".
A short digression for inspiration
Allow yourself to describe a small episode that played in my life a very important role. Hurry in the morning, I often met Nikolay Amosov (lived next door). Academician, the famous heart surgeon on a world scale, and, without exaggeration, a Great Man, carried out their daily jog. Met eyes like that, I always greeted, reverently bowing (so people need to bow down to, necessarily, as long as they live with us, and not only, then, when it lay flowers to the monument! ). And he was a modest man and he probably got tired of my obeisances. So one day, a Great Man, a little saviv pace, suddenly said: "What are You all bow! Staviti better close and run! " I, frightened, of course, found nothing better than to bracknall: "can't, Nikolai Mikhailovich, I don't like to run, then feeling bad myself". "Then at least go, but there are a lot really! You are still young, You can still walk, but you're older - they will run, if mind, of course, enough or too lazy to time will not devour all the health".
I must say, I have this short dialogue was just discouraged. The idea that young enough to go, but with age this is not enough, it seemed paradoxical.
The answer I found much later, in one of the articles or interviews academician: "to be healthy, need their own efforts, permanent and significant. Replace them with nothing. Man is so perfect that to restore health to you from almost any point of its decline. Only the necessary efforts increase as age and deepening diseases".
I hope that this advice will inspire You as well as me, in due time.
Why to walk and not to run
Advantages of walk before you run, for example, are, first, that it is the most natural state for humans, therefore, the least traumatic. Professor Zazofsky, a specialist in biomechanics, for example, writes: "70 - 80% of people over the age of 30 years have a particular pathology in the spine, and associated with various neurological disorders - sciatica and so on".
The reason is that the musculoskeletal system of the person is fit to walk, first of all, barefoot, secondly, on soft soil. We, instead, we have what we have: hard shoes and hard coatings. As a result, when running, the resulting shock wave, which spreads throughout the body and intervertebral discs, over time, generates a particular pathology.
Science to go
Leaving aside the self-confidence (it is in any case a bad Advisor) and will use many years of experience of the experts who developed the basic postulates of the program "Wellness walk".
So, in order.
It is very important to have the correct footwear. She should have good cushioning properties, good bending elastic sole. Useful soft insoles or thick wool socks, at worst.
As for the service - there are no special restrictions. Most importantly, dress for the weather.
And yet. Talking about equipment, please do not forget to wear a smile and good mood to You and so will catch up!
How and where to go
The pace of the walk - not less than 120 steps per minute. It is this condition that makes walking Wellness.
Of course, the best place for Hiking places with soft soil: forest trails, Park dirt track. But where can you find them?! That is why it is so important to have the correct footwear.
It is better to choose the route uneven terrain (mountains and hills, in our case - the best assistants).
You can treat yourself to your favorite music. Perhaps doctors otolaryngologists and oppose this Board, but still the music from the headphones is better than a exorbitant number of decibels metropolis.
Correct posture is also important. Avoid vertical movement of the body separate from the support heel Jogging feet after the free leg is held vertical. Simply put, "roll the foot from heel to toe. This is not only good for health, but also beautiful!
How many need to go
Strive to be a figure 7-10 thousand steps a day. For ease of measurement, you can use a pedometer. They are now a great many: mechanical, Electromechanical, electronic, built-in (mobile phone, for example) and even pedometers-measures calories. Not so long ago, appeared in the sale of so-called "smart shoes". But this is another story, they are such a number of bells and whistles that the head circle. After reading about them for the first time, begin to do: "not smarter if they me? ".
If You prefer to count all the miles, please! On average, it 5-10 miles a day.
Keep abreast
Another important detail. Be sure to check the pulse. To calculate the pulse rate that is optimal for You to do is: 220 minus your age x 0, 65. Thus, if You are 30, Your heart rate should stay within 123 beats per minute.
Why this formula? Because at low digits pulse rate, our body burns fat, high - carbohydrate. We need those extra fats? Definitely not! But carbohydrates is our energy!
Power to You, gentlemen! Be healthy and active for many years!
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