Wednesday, January 21, 2015

In harmony with yourself - 6 secrets of success

In harmony with yourself - 6 secrets of successMany of us spend their whole life in pursuit of what they have, and never become what I want to be.

The main secret of a successful person is achieving a state of inner harmony, satisfaction of themselves and the world, what we call "happiness".

Secret # 1. Happy new year

Happiness is not acquired, it is the inalienable right of man from birth. Others are not able to make you happy, because the source of true happiness is not outside, but inside ourselves. The paradox is that a person can reach any state, as soon as you realize that everything depends on his choice. If you want to be happy, be now, be happy no matter what. Happiness is your choice and not a consequence or result of an action.

Secret # 2. Measure yourself adequately

Adequate self-esteem is absolutely necessary, when we have to overcome the difficulties of life. It gives us inner strength to:

- Do not be afraid of facing us questions and find answers to them.

- To recognize the fact that we are not all pleasant.

- To recognize the fact that we can't understand all areas of life. Nevertheless, quite wanting something, we can achieve our goals, overcoming obstacles.

- Try to cope with conflict situations, not to try to hide from them.

- To admit that we are not perfect and we cannot avoid errors.

Secret # 3. Love yourself

The best way to achieve the consent of a is the following affirmation: "I love myself and accept myself together with your emotions and sensations". You can repeat these words aloud or in your mind.

Secret # 4. Live the present

Remember that the most important moment in your life is happening right now. Feel the joy and happiness right now. As soon as you stop thinking about what you have, you will begin to feel the joy of the present moment. Ceasing to succumb to negative emotions, you can be freed from the burden of pain of the past. Most people suffer not because of a lack of love: they just don't realize that all the negative lies within them. We ourselves input, assign ourselves deadlines imposed on himself and all the time waiting for something.

Secret # 5. The method of "Emotional balance"

Two main methods of achieving emotional balance is working with acupuncture points and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about what you would like to see your life. For example, "I respect, accept and love myself". This method of focusing on what we really want. Get your negative affirmations like: "My job is awesome! " or "I hate your own appearance! ". Don't forget to declare your affirmations in the present tense. For example: "I am happy! ", "I feel good! " or "I have everything I need! ". Avoid phrases like: "I'll do it" or "I need it", because in this case, your subconscious mind will decide that all this is needed you are not in the present, and uncertain future.

Secret # 6. Analyze your emotions

At the end of each day analyze your emotional health. If you had even the most minimal stress, irritation or something else negative feeling, spend a session by using the Formula emotional healing or describe the incident in his diary (don't forget to specify the date). Keep your attention to your thoughts, which you criticize, reject, or make fun of themselves. Learn attentive self-observation side.

Formula emotional healing:

Every day five minutes before going to bed and five minutes after waking spend alone with him.

Step 1. Remember the problem that caused you to experience discomfort. Focus on it. Try to imagine how much it affected you. Rate the intensity of their feelings on a scale from "0" to "10" where "0" is a neutral feeling, where you feel normal, and "10" is the most bad feeling imaginable.

Step 2. Start massaging acupuncture points on your body, do not forget to tell yourself something good and kind for two minutes.

Step 3. Again focus on the problem. Understand how strong is now negative feelings. Rate if their intensity from "0" to "10". Usually at this step the pain threshold is lowered.

Step 4. Repeat step 2.

Repeat this cycle up until the stress, emotions or the problem will not go away completely. As a rule, it takes 7-12 minutes.

Positive thinking


Roy M., D. M. H.


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