Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sex in the heat

Sex in the heatDespite the heat, many lovers drawn to each other and this is not surprising.

Experts in the field of endocrinology is the science that evaluates the work of the glands of internal secretion ago found that the majority desires observed in summer. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and due to the large supply of fresh nutrients in the body, production and process production of sex hormones. Is released into the blood testosterone in men and estrogen (and testosterone too) in women. As well as blood enters the oxytocin - the hormone of happiness. Under the influence of the hot sun this hormone is produced faster. Namely, it stimulates people's romantic exploits.

But, despite the "call of hormones, you should not overdo it. Doctors recommend to have sex at night or under a cool shower. But when the air conditioner is better not to be given to amorous pleasures. Cooler-it will be, but can simply simple.

By the way, in the heat of a particularly acute issue of "protection". In the heat always fifteen percent higher chance of ovulation, it is scientifically proven, so don't forget about all kinds of pills and condoms.


Women's Magazine

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