Physicists have even invented a value that measures the amount of disorder. Entropy is a measure of chaos in the system. Now, this value is not negative and is always increasing in systems that are not receiving energy from outside. If we translate this statement in plain language this means that the mess has a tendency to grow if you do not make an effort to restore order. In search of confirmation can look into your Cabinet or box with papers.
The conclusion is unequivocal. If you want to achieve order in the Affairs of the need to strain to this order to create and maintain. But there is good news: mankind has invented many ways to deal with the chaos and organize life. For most of them only need pen and paper.
Linear approach
The symbol of this approach - weekly in the Ticker. Assume that in the world sold at least 7 billion weeklies in the year to have enough for everyone, even babies. There are many people who are able their current Affairs to write a column every day, then in order to remake. Such organized people I have always admired. And always, without exception, they were men. I suspect that the focus in that work the case well line up in numerical order, and that when he came home, need max to walk the dog and take out the garbage - can not record.
Women's diary is trying to keep the inside at least three flow events: work, home, myself. Therefore, the case in one column do not fit. The record jump, transferred arrows from place to place, unexpectedly arise, mixed and grow like a snowball. How to learn to write so that then you can figure out what's what, in what order and how much?
Replacement notebook
Let all this chaos to settle down in a separate notebook. So, you have a daily time-ordered events, meetings and phones. And a spare Notepad, where the structure remains only the date and all other information "dumped" as incurred. Here are the issues discussed at the meetings, phones, business partners and Barber, who counseled girlfriend, schedule dentist and deadlines of reports, the list of the delegation from Kazakhstan and "buy cat food". Your personal chaos is your personal spare notebook. Just do not forget from time to time important phone numbers and date of transfer in a nice neat business daily.
By the way, what was lacking these diaries? A more General picture. I would like to have several pages where you can see the whole month. It is convenient to mark significant dates or to strike out in advance two summer weeks and write in big letters "VACATION". So I personally prefer Notepad page where you can line at its sole discretion.
Mad diary
If you don't fit the agenda in the Ticker, you are busy with many projects, you have a creative work or just don't like to write things in a column - relax and let your diary to be insane. Want to draw on its pages plans for the week in the form of a mind map - draw. Want to lay out colored markers information related to different projects - please. Do as you wish.
For example, I prefer to disclose net reversal, symbolizing the coming day, to spend one line for the column on the left and another line that separates the column on the right. In the middle to leave a clear field. This white space I'm in a chaotic manner write down the things that you need today to alter (all business, not just work). Then from all this chaos, write in the left column "call" and "trifles". In the right column to be during the" go works fine-tuned over time. Then I look around at the whole field in search of the answer to the question "What is the most important? ". Not urgent, not global and not occupying five minutes, and it is IMPORTANT. And rely not on logic, but on the internal sense.
Let your subconscious do its work. It is responsible for the selection of the main and secondary.
Encircle these three cases (maximum of five) in rectangles, decide what will you do in the first place and DO not forget "to call" and "be in time".
Thus, the picture of the day may vary, but it is always before my eyes.
Plan as the President of the United States
For fans of puzzle and not intuitive approach, there are other methods. For example, try to use the squares Eisenhower to rank long to-do list and prioritizing the criteria for "important" and "urgent".
A lot to do in important and urgent? This is Abraham. Concentrate on the important and not urgent - this is your perspective that none of you will not think.
Urgently and it doesn't matter if it's routine, delegate, i.e., find those who will do these things for you.
Not urgent and not important - don't waste time on it, allow yourself these things not to do, send them to the trash.
As you know, all the cases will not be done. Nor is it necessary. I hope all these techniques, recording and sorting cases will help you to more effectively organize your life, to catch more and not to drown in the daily chaos. It is unlikely there will come a time when all things will end, but you can assume that your life will start to get interesting moments. When knowing how much you can get done in an hour, you will be able to give up and with a clear conscience to spend that hour doing nothing. Then accelerate, now break!
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