Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The evil thrush

The evil thrushC thrush (candidiasis) in his life he faced every woman. What is candidiasis, its causes and treatment.

What is thrush?

Thrush is not that other, as the popular name of candidiasis of the mouth and genital organs. The name may seem strange only to those who have never had to deal with this infection. The main manifestation of the disease are white highlight or raids on mucous membranes that resemble their appearance curd.

Doctors to refer to this disease most often use the term "thrush", "yeast infection". A number of terms describes the mucous membranes of various organs. For example, oral thrush is nothing less than the defeat of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and kandidoznae vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina due to a yeast infection.

What causes thrush?

Microscopic fungus, usually Candida albicans is a normal inhabitant of the oral mucosa of the mouth, vagina and skin. However, in the changing conditions of existence, the causative agent of thrush can actively multiply. For normal operation of the mucous membranes requires a stable weak acid environment, the normal microflora, a necessary and sufficient amount of nutrients, a good blood supply, regular cleansing.

The dependence on so many factors that contribute to the normal operation of the mucous membrane, in turn, is the reason for the large number of factors that can disrupt the activity of this tissue. All of this applies to thrush.

How do people become infected?

Most often, the causative agent of thrush gets on the mucous membrane of the mouth, vagina, prepuce or from the bowel, or sexual contact.

The pathogen is absent in the norm in the mouth, on the skin and in the cavity of the vagina. However, as scientists believe, is quite a normal phenomenon is the presence of the yeast fungus on the mucous membranes in small quantities, but only when the causative agent of thrush does not show its existence.

A different situation arises when conditions change, in which dwells yeast. At change of level of acidity (or pH), the appearance of the cells a significant amount of sugar, the leaching useful flora or suppressing her antibiotics for various infections fungi begin to rapidly multiply. Is the defeat of the mucosal cells.

There may be thrush?

The main places "habitat" of thrush is the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (usually in children), women vagina and vulva, and in men the foreskin and the glans penis.

Much less often affects the skin folds in the groin, under the Breasts, in the armpits (usually with obesity). Candidiasis can occur in other organs, however, in such cases, thrush had he not called. The defeat of the esophagus, the membranes of the brain, lung, colon is a sign of immunodeficiency. It is a sharp decrease in immunity can lead to fungal lesions on internal organs. Typically the candidiasis occur in severe patients with widespread cancer, severe infections, but most people with HIV in the AIDS stage. About the problems with the immune system says current and long-term yeast infection that does not respond to treatment.

As manifested candidiasis?

As mentioned above, the main manifestation of candidiasis of the mucous membranes is a plentiful selection of white, liquid or caseous masses. The selection is almost always accompanied by itching and painful sensations.

If we are talking about infection after intercourse, then, as a rule, the above symptoms appear 10-20 day after contact with a sick person. When skin lesions are also present allocation of white color, but they are much smaller. When the skin of the perineum is its redness, quickly arise irritation from the friction of clothing. Itching and burns make it impossible sex life. More precisely, this life is possible, but the result is disappointing,

Thrush, allergies and condoms

"Interesting" relationship thrush and condoms cannot be ignored, as many people find the relationship between use of contraception and the occurrence of thrush. Actually condoms are not the cause of yeast infection. Can happen next.

With infrequent sex can disrupt the microflora, which is not yet accustomed to the new conditions of existence. Why and thrush occurs. The condom may be allergic. Allergic reactions may occur as latex, which most often made of condoms and lubricants (lubricant), odorants, and other ingredients of this contraceptive method.

Allergy usually manifests itself by intense itching and dryness of the mucous membranes.

What is dangerous thrush?

Long-existing thrush can lead to the defeat of the adjacent organs. So, in candidal vaginitis in women and candydomicosis balanoposthitis men often have inflammation of the urethra. Infection, especially in women, can easily spread up the urinary tract and affects the bladder.

With a weakened immune system or malformations of the urinary system infection is easy to fall into the kidney. All this is happening more often in the absence of treatment.

Spread thrush can and in the reproductive organs that men and women can lead to infertility.

Constant itching, burning and selection lead to discomfort, violations in the sexual life, which, in turn, throws a man or woman in a state of deep depression.

How to treat thrush?

Treatment of yeast infections fundamentally is not a serious problem. The difficulty is that most people try to treat this disease. They face a number of dangers that can lead to unpleasant consequences. In order for something to treat, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis.

Of course, often thrush is easily diagnosed by the cardinal symptoms that it causes.

However, in some cases, infection occurs not only thrush and other infections. When trichomoniasis, for example, can also meet whitish discharge from the genital tract. Mistakenly assigned to individual treatment postpones visit to the doctor, leads to the progression of different infections.

First of all, you need to come to the doctor and get advice. The doctor will prescribe the tests that you will need to take, and based on the obtained results, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Recommendations for who to root

1. Normalize your weight and diet.

2. Use only cotton underwear. Synthetic, whatever good it may be, does not provide sufficient access of air to the skin. Due to the increase in temperature and shortness of evaporation of sweat appear conditions for the occurrence of infections, including thrush.

3. If you use lubricants (greases) during intercourse, use only water-soluble species. Do not use creams and other foods tools.

4. Allergic reactions to latex condoms resort to products made of polyurethane. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. This might not be an allergic reaction at all.

5. For casual sex, always use a condom.


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