Love French
Since the times of Ancient Greece humanity were known as oral sex, which is now called "love in French". The ritual of kindling passion was taught by the priests and priestesses of the Temples bodily shop. Particularly popular these weasels were used in the families of aristocrats. In search of reciprocity noticed that kissing sexual organs of a much gentler than fondling hand. In the ancient texts you can find a description and illustration of the French love. However, such affection is not encouraged, so over time have been forgotten. This is due to the fact that in different ages mankind has treated the body and sex are not the same.
Nowadays many couples are well aware that the lips and tongue are extraordinary tools that bring the luxury of sensual pleasures. Caress male bodies sexologists called fellatio and intimate places women cunnilingus.
Sexual "delicacy"
Natasha married for 10 years. She had never had oral sex, although her husband had asked her about it repeatedly. But the woman thought it a shame. Now she began to wonder - was it right that shy wife: "I love him very much. I think if a man offers another chance, I won't give up".
Despite the fact that, in the opinion of most men, love in French - high sexual technique, many women from such caresses refuse. They believe that kissing each other in intimate places immoral that sex cannot go beyond certain limits, so I can relax. However, they do not ask themselves this question: why am I ashamed of her beloved husband? They also fear that the taste and smell of their intimate places will partner unpleasant. But it is well known that the natural scent of a woman (if she is healthy and well-groomed) excites men.
Igor loves his wife very much, but when he offered her to perform oral sex, she was so frightened that her husband about it more and not talking. And sometimes, according to Igor, he is jealous of couples whose affection is allowed.
In addition, doctors say that the disgust and concern about sewage genitals that worry some people, prejudice, devoid of medical reasons. In the mouth is much more microbes than in intimate places a healthy person.
Another such affection, that pleasure can be equated to sexual "delicatessen", sexologists do not know. Only kissing sexual organs can bring a partner to orgasm such an extent! And if the wife pleases her husband and not afraid to admit it, then, and she begins to feel the pleasure. And not necessarily fellatio and cunnilingus each time to turn in sexual intercourse. These "games" can be for the couple part of foreplay that will make an intimate encounter more diverse and temperamental.
After a year of marriage Ludmila with her husband began to engage in oral sex. And as often as they wanted. The woman does not consider it improper. In her opinion, it is improper to change the partner. "I think that my husband would not seek sex on the side, because in sex, I am trying to please him. But I can ask the wife all he wants. And if something should go wrong, it will always prompt".
During intimacy, you can always ask the partner implicitly, what he likes and what not, and to talk about what you feel yourself. Some women are afraid that they will not be able to deliver man pleasure, and their enthusiasm disappears already at the thought of it. Do not be afraid of their ignorance. "Listen" to the body of a loved one, find the key to his pleasure and enjoyment or ask him. You can always learn. Simply often experiment and observe the reaction partner. Wonderful moments that you give to her husband, and beget in him a natural desire to make a return step. Sometimes the woman is very shy very thought that a spouse would be touched by the lips "indecent". But don't forget: a man is always a pleasure to bring your favorite joy, he loves her trust, openness, complete destruction of the psychological barriers between you.
To be sexually sophisticated with a loved one is an achievement of women. And man it gets even more, and he was ready to carry your favorite hands. In such pairs reign affection, tenderness and understanding.
As to the ethics of oral sex? Everything is defined by stereotypes. Recently, when on such an intimate relationship has imposed a ban, sometimes even broken marriages. It happened when one of the spouses (usually male) imposed oral contact, and the other could not overstep their beliefs. But if there is uncertainty, hostility to the views and tastes of the partner, the Union will still disintegrate.
Elena delighted with her husband - its shape, smell, touch. All three years of marriage she felt a real woman, but it also has a negative sexual experience in marriage: "once in a sensual impulse, I spontaneously began to caress the most intimate places of her husband, although I didn't do it. The husband said nothing, but the next day was to me very cold. And then rebuked me, saying, where I learned and what he didn't know what I am depraved. I settled a sense of guilt towards her husband... "
Although most men want a French love, 30% of them belong to such caresses ambiguous. Some of them are associated with extramarital sexual relations, where there are no prohibitions. What does your own wife!
There is a category of men oral sex surprise, and they begin to think that a woman is too temperamental and corrupt. They have suspicions and complexes that they will never be able to satisfy such a partner.
Position is also important
An evening of French kissing is better to start with a joint swimming. It configures the desired mood and removes the last doubts about the filthiness of the body of the partner. A man should carefully shave the face, to caress for women were not painful.
Inverted pose (so-called "69") not very comfortable for French love. Sexologists its not welcome, because it is difficult both to give affection and to feel pleasure. In order from oral sex to experience pleasure, partners should caress each other alternately. The woman can lie on his back, and the man to kiss her thighs and rise above. Well, if he does it gradually, without abrupt shifts the force of the kiss.
When roles change, the man lies on his back or standing up. It is advisable to try several positions to find the one that will appeal to your particular pair.
French love should not be the only element of the love game. In marriages with a solid experience, it can excite and to help partner with weak potency. Often love in French refers to the preliminary caresses. Sexologists advise women who do not often orgasm, use this form intimate relationships.
Ukrainians do not deny the French love: 70% of couples have at least once had oral sex. 40% of men confirmed that caress their wives in this way at least once a week.
Women have more conservative: 40% resist oral sex, 20% of married ladies engaged in oral sex, but not more often than four times a month.
In General, behind us from the Greeks. After all, every tenth Greek (and Greek) engaged in oral sex daily! And the French, and to talk about: this method caresses almost every day apply 50% of couples! And 60% of French women do fellatio her lover more often than once a week.
It is important
- You cannot engage in oral sex, if anyone of the partners discovered a sexual infection.
- Love in French does not exclude the likelihood of Contracting AIDS.
The benefits of sperm to the woman's body
As you know, the sperm consists of some proteins. Her taste and composition depend entirely on what a man eats. Harm it brings, but also evidence of its benefits, too, yet. However, as a cosmetic for the skin, it has no equal!
By the way
- Try the French love often pushes the erotic video.
According to sexologists, in families where practiced French love, women and men are not prone to change.
The magazine "World family"
White A., psychologist
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