Monday, January 19, 2015

David Cronenberg will remove the new remake of "Flies"

David Cronenberg will remove the new remake of According to the publication The Hollywood Reporter,

Cronenberg does not only take the Director's chair, but perhaps he

will write the screenplay.

It is noteworthy that

earlier the Director has repeatedly stated that he was not going to shoot a remake or

the continuation of the painting. Instead of the next screen revival of "Flies" he

put Opera of the same name, which premiered in the summer of 2008

in Paris.

Recall that the movie 1986 in his

the turn was a remake of a picture of Kurt Neumann's 1958. It was about

a brilliant scientist who invents a device for teleportation.


one of the final experiments, when the researcher puts

experience for yourself, his DNA mixed with DNA accidentally flew into the camera

flies. The main role in the film played Jeff Goldblum.


film Cronenberg was phenomenal for its time success. It

cash collections exceeded $ 40 million, and the picture now

it is considered a classic of the genre "horror".


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