Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tales which treat the child's psyche

Tales which treat the child's psyche

Therapeutic tale is meant to help the child change the life script. It works as follows: for each case creates its own story. The main character is faced with difficulties similar to the child's problems, and successfully overcomes them. Listening, repeating, discussing this tale, the child begins to believe in their own strength and capabilities.

For example, children suffering from enuresis, really helps the story of the Elephant who couldn't be worn in the trunk water. Large elephants left, and he remained in the jungle one. The fire started. And now, fearing that will burn his house, the Elephant found the strength retained water in the trunk and put out the fire...

To experience trouble in kindergarten and school, to cope with the complexes, to find a way out of a problem situation, will help domestic therapeutic parent tale. For example, the daughter-thorolastic seriously quarreled with a neighbor on the Desk. It came to a fight. And start his story: "There was one girl, she was a friend. The girls were all divided in half, did everything together. And then suddenly for no apparent reason... had a fight. Why do you think they could not agree? "

Listen to the version of the child, think along positive final.

This tale can be told every day, pursuing the main character in the turmoil of a child's life. For these purposes it is also useful to write the tale together with his son and daughter for free or a specific topic. You will always be in the course of his life.

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