Featured days
9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (to 16:15), 26, 27, 28 (16:53) June.
Hair, trimmed 13-25 June, will grow faster. On 1-11, June 27-30 is written to the master for those for whom it is more important that the hair grew slower, and his hair was longer retain its shape.
Hairstyle, made on June 15-16, during the passage of the moon in the sign of Leo, will give a visual effect to the greater density of hair.
If hairstyles require clear lines, assumed haircuts with ladders, helirovanie, for going to the hairdresser is better to choose a 17, 18 or morning (12:14) June 19, during the transit of the moon in Virgo.
26, 27 and partially (16:53) June 28, best suited for haircuts or hairstyles in a classic style.
1, 2, 3, 28 (after 16:53), 29 and 30 June, during transit of the moon in Aquarius, you should pay attention if You want to experiment with appearance..
Not recommended days
4, 5, morning (9:51) 6 (Moon Fish), 11-13 (days of the new Moon), 13-14 June (Moon in Cancer).
The effect on the hair with the use of strong chemicals (paint, long term styling and perming) it is not necessary to produce 4, 5, 6 (9:51), 10, 21 (after 16:15), 22, 23 June.
From all the experiments in terms of a radical change of image, eating at a new salon or to a new master, it is desirable to refrain 17 (9:42), 19 (period 9:05-12:14), 21 (after 13:46), 28 (in the period 13:57-16:53).
Visiting beautician
For procedures, the purpose of which is nutrition and hydration, try to enroll in the period from 13 to June 25..
Purification procedures, manipulations to correct obvious defects of the skin, the most effective will 1-11 and 27-30 June.
6-8 June should exercise moderation in the application of decorative make-up, these days it is not necessary to assign cosmetic surgery.
9-10 numbers try not to disturb the neck and décolleté.
Hair removal
Featured days
: 1-11, June 27-30.
Undesirable: 12-26 June.
It is not recommended: 15-18 June.
Recommended days: 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21 (to 16:15), 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 (16:53)
Not recommended: 11, 12, 13, 14 June.
Extreme caution in dealing with any sharp cutting objects should be between 6 and 8 June.
Caution in the use of chemicals will need 4, 5, 21 (after 16:15), 22, 23 June.
Featured days
: 17, 18, 19 (up to 12:14), 26, 27, 28 (16:53) June.
From the treatment it is advisable to abstain: 4, 5, 6 (9:50), 13 and 14 June.
Dental advice
The best days to remove Tartar: 1-11, June 29-30.
To replace fillings and prosthetic dentistry recommended 1-11, June 29-30.
Treatment and preventive procedures at the dentist-periodontist most effectively will be held 1-5, 11, 27-30 June.
In the period from 25 to 27 June highly undesirable visiting dental surgeon (except in an emergency).
From any dental treatment should refrain 26, 27, 28 June, except for cases requiring urgent intervention specialist.
Massage order to relax, relieve spasms, excretion of harmful substances it is best to coincide with the periods 1 to 11 and 27 to 30 June.
At the same time recommended anti-cellulite massage.
Massage firming, regenerating will have a better effect if you date it to the period from 13 to 25 June.
Removing emotional stress is easily achievable if the massage course gets on 11 and 12 June.
For treatment by a chiropractor is best suited 9, 10, 17, 18, 19 (to 12:14), 26, 27, 28 (16:53) June.
Treatment of lymphatic drainage is recommended 4, 5, 6 (to 9:50), 13, 14, 21 (after 16:15), 22, 23 June.
Fight against obesity
In periods 1-11 and 27-30 June, You can lose weight without much stress for an organism, it is enough to observe moderation in eating.
11, 12 and 13 June will not be superfluous to arrange fasting days, in this time, it is recommended to fast, drink more fluids (normal clean water, tea without sugar, herbal teas, fresh juices) - all this in the absence of medical contraindications.
In the period from 14 to 24 June, when possible, I try not to eat after 18 hours, in addition, at this time you should not limit yourself to drinking, normal, clean water, green tea, herbal teas - if there are medical contraindications.
25, 26, 27 June shows fruit or vegetable juice diet.
The phases of the moon in June 2010,
on may 28, 03:08 - full Moon in the 7th degree of Sagittarius.
1-11 June, the Moon wanes.
June 5, 02:14 - falling quadrature, in the 15th degree of Pisces.
on 12 June, 15:16 - the Moon, in the 22nd degree of Gemini.
13-25 June Moon rising.
June 19, 08:31 - growing area, in the 28th degree of the virgin.
26 June, 15:31 - full Moon in the 5th degree of Capricorn (the full Moon is associated with the private lunar Eclipse).
June 27-30 - the Moon is waning.
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