Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Have you tried to get a ferret?

Have you tried to get a ferret? Ferret appeared in the homes of the townspeople relatively recently, not more than ten years ago. This charming animal with a wonderful fluffy fur and a sweet natured face has quite peaceful by nature, gets along well with family members, cheerful, communicative, lends itself well to education. If the house was infested rodents, owners do not require any traps or poisons: ferret quickly clear the room from intruders.

Popular rumor ascribes to him the disadvantages, which is actually the home of the ferret no. Let's start with the fact that the ferret living near people - extremely peaceful representative of the weasel family. Talking about the fact that it's pretty ferocious and bloodthirsty animal - not that other, as the confusion: apparently, there because wild ferrets, which also keep at home some animal lovers. In fairness I must say that wild animals attack victims only in a state of hunger. Well-fed animals are not dangerous. This is confirmed by the owners of the little savages - with enough food ferrets generally lose their aggressiveness. The ancestors of domestic dogs were domesticated not yesterday and not today. There is evidence that in Ancient Egypt these animals lived alongside humans and was hunting for rodents in their homes. And later ferrets participated in the hunting of the medieval nobility on burrowing animals.

Do not believe the sellers when they call home ferrets by Honorine and say what animal it came from mink and ferret. To the burrow they have no relation. According to experts, domestic ferret is derived from the polecat the albino and forest the ferret. The correct name of the ferret appeared many centuries ago - the hold or furo. Furo, usually have a white coat.

There is another problem, which leads many to abandon the idea to take home a ferret. Some people believe that these animals are constantly exude an unpleasant odor. The truth is that, really, in a state of fear or emotional arousal ferret triggered prianalnoy gland and appears quite sharp smell that quickly disappears. Can help with this special shampoos and deodorants. In addition, not all people find the smell disgusting, many perceive it calmly. Coat the polecat, quite clean animal, as a rule, has no unpleasant odor.

Who would not chose people in Pets, he will have to accept and understand natural features, habits, character of a new family member, to find the secret of his upbringing.



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