Unlike waxing, sugar waxing does not cause allergies, skin after her blush, and it will not appear on the pimples.
Hair removal sugar paste at home. Recipe for sugar paste
Sugar hair removal is so simple that it can easily be done at home. For this you need to make sugar paste. Simple recipe: sugar 10 tablespoons water - 1 tablespoon, and the juice of half a lemon. All the ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and heat on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The temperature of heating is no need to change. First, the mass becomes transparent, the bubbles will appear, and then it will become a Golden-brown colour.
Boil the mixture on low heat for about ten minutes, until bubbles appear on the surface, and then let it cool, so as not to burn yourself. When the mixture becomes viscous, carefully take little fingers. If the mixture (sugaring) does not stick, it is properly prepared. Hair removal sugar paste gives good results in combination with means to slow the growth of hair. Hair is removed from the root, and then grow very slowly. Completely removes only the hair no more than 6mm in length, so the longer the hair should be slightly cut. Before beginning the procedure, verify that all of the hair and skin are clean and completely dry, otherwise the effect will be weak.
Sugar paste is applied in a thin layer in the direction of hair growth. Better to do it not with the flat side of a spatula, and its edge. On top of the applied paste press a strip of cotton fabric, leaving one side free edge. When the strip will stick to the pasta, take it for the left free edge and sharply pull, always against the direction of hair growth. The skin squeeze with the other hand. Pull the strip up or to the sides is not necessary. When you remove the hair on the more sensitive areas of the skin, don't put too many things at once: it is better to treat small areas gradually.
The advantages of sugar hair removal
Of course, the main advantage of sugar hair removal over other types is its natural and hypoallergenic. Because the mixture for hair removal does not contain any additives (fragrance, preservatives, dyes), and consists only of water and sugar. That is why the skin is not red and allergic reactions do not occur.
The efficiency of the method can also be considered an advantage - because the hair after sugar hair removal does not grow for at least twenty days.
An important advantage is that this method of hair removal you don't need high or low temperature. Everything happens at body temperature, so burns or expansion of blood vessels is unlikely if properly observe the technique of hair removal.
The effect of sugar hair removal
Components sugar paste penetrates deep into the hair follicle, so the hair is removed completely, not broken and do not grow. Thus, sugar hair removal eliminates inflammation.
The uniqueness of sugar hair removal is manifested in the fact that the pasta does not capture the living cells of the upper layers of the skin, and only envelops and remove all the hairs, and very carefully. Removes even the smallest hairs, no more than 1mm in length. Ingrown hairs can also be easily removed, and if necessary, you can put the pasta in the same area of skin injuries are excluded. Hygiene procedures sugar hair removal also affects its popularity, as sugar can destroy bacteria. To get any infection while sugar hair removal is virtually impossible.
And of course, to remove the remnants of the paste after the procedure is also very easy - you just need to take a warm shower. No special tools should not be given. Using sugar hair removal can remove hair on all body parts: hands and feet, stomach, armpits, upper lip; you can even adjust the eyebrows and bikini line. Some women even learned such a way to remove hair on the labia. Hair can start to grow again after a month or two - it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the procedure is repeated several times, the hair will weaken and remove them becomes much easier.
Pain is rather weak: it can sometimes remind you of the procedure to be torn away from the skin of the tape, and are light redness that quickly pass.
Optionally, you can buy ready-made sugar paste, which includes the Arabian gum and citric acid. Thanks Arabian gum paste is removed more easily from the skin, and citric acid simplifies the process, pulling the skin. Unlike wax, sugar to the skin does not stick and does not contain any chemical substances.
The sugar hair removal procedure can be done in the salon, without spending a lot of money - in fact, due to its simplicity, this is one of the most inexpensive types of hair removal. The wizard will professionally clean your skin, will make the hair using a paste adapted for use in salons and by hair removal will cause a special sedative. However, this method is so simple that there is no there to master its use at home.
Recipes cooking pasta is very simple, but in order to learn how to cook it properly, you will have to work out. Learn to respect all proportions, to maintain the correct temperature, correctly identify the time of preparation of the mixture. Just paste of the desired consistency and temperature will allow you to get smooth skin without any problems.
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