Now you and the owner of a new Orchid. Of course, you want to quickly add it to your collection and get acquainted with other residents of orchidarium. But don't make hasty actions.
Note the three critical things that you must consider in order to avoid trouble.
1. Quarantine
Always put new plants in quarantine, at least three weeks. This will prevent the ingress of pests or infectious diseases to other orchids.
Put the beginner in another room, away from your valuable collection. Within three weeks carefully watch the new Orchid, pay attention to any signs of disease or pests. Don't forget to look under the leaves - this is exactly where often hide unwanted insects.
After three weeks, if not detected any signs of disease or the presence of pests can easily attach the plant to the main collection.
2. Decide on the place
Once you decide where will be the new plant, place it there, and try not to change this location, and orientation orchids relatively light sources. Destroy in himself the desire to move the flower.
It is very important not to change the orientation of the plant when it begins to produce flower arrows. If you do this, the plant will begin to change the direction of growth of the peduncle, in order flowers get as much light as possible. This will lead to the formation of curved or twisted stems.
If you want to change the location or orientation of the plant, wait until all the flowers bloom. When this happens, the peduncle has stopped growing and the plant can be moved without much fear.
3 Beware of decorative pots
May be someone from the readers and it will shock you, but you should never put orchids directly into a decorative pot. Unlike many other houseplants, leaves and roots of orchids are very sensitive to colors and glazes used in the manufacture of decorative pots. Toxic effects of many metal containing inks may appear literally before my eyes.
You can often find for sale orchids in decorative containers. This added to their appeal. But your eye may not notice the fact that these plants are doomed to fast fading.
Place your Orchid in a plastic or ordinary ceramic pot. And this pot can be inserted into decorative.
If you bought or received as a gift Orchid, housed in a decorative pot, transplant the plant as soon as possible.
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