Complex Alisa
in Wonderland inherent in women tend to immerse themselves in their dreams and fantasies. Fantasizing, they represent yourself and your partner, defining each character's role in the relationship. Women of this type are awaiting a meeting with character-a hero of their fantasies. Refers to a love systems.
Complex Titania
inherent in women tend to form an image of the ideal partner under the influence of literature and television. This image accompanies their sexual fantasies during sex women with this complex, imagine the actual partner, the image that they have created, that is, having sex, are in place of a real sexual partner - fictional. Sexual complex.
The complex of a Knight and a Lecher inherent in women who are looking for two different types of behavior in one man. Knight - a man must be a manifestation of generosity, support, loving, gentle, innocent woman. Dirty man - the epitome of rudeness, virility, hypersexuality. Love the complex.
Complex Messalina women have a passionate nature, very sensual, with increased sexual need and activity. The Messalina complex shapes in women increased sexual demands sexual partner. Sexual complex.
Complex Cinderella inherent in women who are very passive and hope that everything to be arranged and formed. These women are waiting for a man who will open for them the world of well-being and comfort. Many young virgins had to dream about the Prince, but when these dreams make the transition to adulthood, when a woman becomes independent, it has to be the Cinderella Complex. Love the complex.
Men who have
The Complex Of Don Quixote prone to indulge in false false expectations and desires for the woman he loves. Men of this type idealize the woman who worshipped her as a Goddess, erected on the highest pedestal in my life and in my heart. Love the complex.
The complex of the Madonna and the Whore inherent in men created in his mind the image of women, which divides into two types. On the one hand this is type sensitive, gentle woman, the guardian of home coziness, and on the other hand is a type available, Flirty women, holding in its appearance image of lust. The complex of the Madonna and the Whore characteristic of men that divide women on "women - wives and female lovers". Sexy - love complex.
Complex Philanderer
have men seeking to conquer a woman. To possess it only in order to satisfy their sexual desires. For such men every woman who visited their bed is regarded as collectible postcard that is sent to the casket values men to all other sexual trophies. Sexual complex.
Men with pathological manifestation of jealousy are carriers
Complex Othello. They are jealous of their partners, drawing on the thoughts of the scene change. This complex is based, rather, the fear of being ridiculed, to lose their own dignity than the desire to completely possess the woman. Love the complex.
Complex Romeo and Juliet is love at first sight and desire as soon as possible to enter into the marital relationship. Need to connect the owners of this complex is so great that helps to overcome all sorts of obstacles. This is based complex that in ancient times to engage in sexual relations could only joining in marriage. In the modern world is complex Romeo and Juliet's less common. Love the complex.
Complex Tristan and Isolde
is determined by the sense of guilt on the one hand and eroticism on the other. The owners of this complex, which entered into premarital sexual relations, have mixed feelings: guilt and sexual udovletvorenie. In our days this complex uncommon. Sexual complex.
Complex Griselda - lewd, erotic action, sexual desire of the father to his daughter.
The Complex Of Leont similar to the complex Othello that both character-type felt a deep sense of jealousy of their partners. But the complex of Leonta complements the complex Othello's doubts about the paternity, may result in the rejection of parental responsibilities. The complex of Leonta can be based distrust of the woman or mental illness.
Complex Quasimodo are people exposed to one type of inferiority complex associated with opinions about their own unattractive to the opposite sex and a low estimate of their appearance. Love complex
One type of inferiority complex, is
the complex is a small member. Acquired in childhood as a result of observation and comparison of their genitals to genitals older men - father, brother. The child, seeing his penis is smaller than in older men captures a subconscious attention to this circumstance. Growing up, men with a complex of smaller members become very suspicious, acquire the fear of being objects of ridicule, as among the members of their own sex and the opposite. Sexual complex.
Complex macho inherent to men who have the need for confirmation of their masculinity, manhood, power. Usually men of this type are aggressive, rude, pushy, have a pronounced physical strength and a distinct masculine type of appearance. Men with complex macho have a constant need for active sexual role. Consequently Animagus to use the services of prostitutes, and even homosexual violence. Men of this type in the pursuit of the ideal have the fear of sexual failure, which are perceived very painful. Sexual complex.
Complex Orest associated with hatred the son of the mother, because the mother does not recognize the leading role of the father in the family. In Greek mythology Orestes killed his mother and her lover, because they killed his father.
Oedipus complex develops in boys due to psychosexual development is not passed this stage of perception and kept unconscious attraction to the mother. Boys and men who have the Oedipus complex jealous of the mother to the father, and I wish the death of the father often on an unconscious level.
The Complex Of Pallas Athena appears in women seeking patronage over the man. A woman of this type performs rather the role of a man - father, rather than the role of a mother. Love the complex.
Complex Amazon
inherent in the lesbian and feminist. Amazon woman scorn the men and have them have sex just for the sake of fertilization, that is, the conception of the child.
Virgin, giving great importance to their innocence are the possessors
Complex Diana. The development of this complex can be homosexual preferences, narcissism or delayed psycho - sexual development. Sexual complex.
Complex Jocasta
similar complex Griselda, where his mother to seek excessive pathological custody of his son, flowing in a sexual attraction to him, leading to incest.
Complex Clytemnestra
expressed in unconscious protest by a woman against a leading and active role of men, which can lead to the suppression of women's sexuality and detachment from the sexual partner; Women of this type is inherent as pathological fear, actually, which is the basis of this complex - male violence. Sexual complex.
Complex Kopaska
closely connected with inferiority complex. Manifests itself in the desire of women to submit to men, full of obedience and lack of initiative in sexual relations, while the other vital aspects of women remain active position, such as intellectual and volitional side of women. Sexual complex.
The Complex Of Xantippe inherent in old virgins who did not have a good relationship with men. In resulting in a rejection of the sexual sphere of life, which is replaced by a desire for order in the domestic sphere, pedantry, domestic integrity. Women of this type have a nasty, grumpy character. Love the complex.
the Medea complex prone to pathological jealousy, vindictiveness, which can lead to committing the crime.
The complex of loneliness occurs mainly in women during menopause do not have children. Associated with unfulfilled desire of motherhood. Often accompanied by depression, nervousness, negative mood. Love the complex.
Electra Complex - female version of the Oedipus complex, is associated with the desire of the daughter to the father, and related jealousy and negative attitudes towards the mother.
Complex childhood inherent in the people, who are dependent on their mothers. Manifests itself in a reluctance to make decisions regarding their own lives.
Complex Cain
purchased due to feelings of guilt after the betrayal of the partner. People of this type appreciate their betrayal as low, requiring redemption. Sexual complex.
Inferiority complex
appears to negative and low evaluation of their appearance, their abilities, personal characteristics, sexual sphere. Also characterized by envy, vindictiveness, neurosis stemming from the constant feeling of dissatisfaction and achieved.
Oral complex is saving the need to posasyvaniyu different subjects in children and adolescents. Psychoanalysis such a desire is unconscious echo of the sucking reflex of the baby associated with psihodelicheskimi the pleasure of fondling the Breasts of the mother.
Adolescents practicing Masturbation can develop
analiticheskii complex because of feelings of guilt in parents or society, as usually grafted to the boy's parents, religion, society, moral principles contradict the desire to masturbate. Sexual complex.
Complex panic closing doors mainly characteristic for women and men of homosexual orientation, but can be met at heterosexuals. Is occurring at a Mature age (40 years and older) fear of losing the appeal to a potential partner and is manifested in giving undue importance to appearance and outward expressions of sexuality, desire for rejuvenation, contacts with younger partners.
Complex provoking cheating. People with this complex feels the desire to ensure that his partner has established a temporary sexual relationships with other people, that is changed. He often participates in establishing such contacts or requires partner detailed story about his "treason". This complex is close to the manifestations of deviant sexuality, including sadomasochistic. Sexual complex.
The castration complex
this complex involves the fear of the boy to lose the penis as punishment for the expression of their sexuality and experiences of girls and women associated with the lack of the penis. In women, this complex is associated with the subconscious installing on a subordinate position compared with men. This setting activates compensatory mechanisms, resulting in the behavior of women with this set has many of the typical male traits: the tendency to power, domination, men's style sexual behavior (frequent change of partners, excessive demands for sexual activity).
Almost all of the above complexes are not a pathology, but only create the background for the development of sexual and social behavior of the person.
Injuries are psychological in nature, which can lead to psychological disorders and the development of a negative attitude towards sexual life developed in human beings in childhood under the influence of certain situations and the measures taken by parents:
Severe punishment boy or girl at baby sex games, followed by "explaining" that these games are disgusting;
The suggestion of the children that sexuality is sinful and disgusting;
The situation when a child accidentally see the sexual act and interpret it as a form of mutual bullying people;
Fear, which can cause an unprepared child physiological manifestations of sexuality - Masturbation, spontaneous erections, menstruation, erotic dreams.
These factors can cause the formation of complex sexual inferiority.
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