Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 common mistakes of baby care

5 common mistakes of baby care

Young parents often take a lot of myths and stereotypes about children. The bowl all the myths about children distribute older people, but young parents often fall into confusion about their own children. From the past has come to us such stereotypes about children.

To treat the child herbs - safe

Any medication at the wrong reception may harm the child's health and medicines based on herbs are no exception. It is not recommended to drink children infusions of herbs "for prophylaxis". Brewing herbs to the child, it should be remembered that the concentration of the herbal infusion is prepared for a child, should be much weaker than for an adult.

Wash the child with soap and water should be daily

Use soap daily bathing procedures are not only not necessary, but also harmful for a child. A baby's skin is more delicate and sensitive than adults. Soap removes the skin's natural lubricant, resulting in the skin may cause irritation and salustia.

Doctors recommend children under one year, be washed with soap no more than 2-3 times a week.

Red cheeks of a child is a sign diathesis

Redness on the cheeks, the child can pass itself, if carefully wash the baby's face without soap after each feeding. Redness on the cheeks may appear as a result of the impact of active components on the baby's skin.

Vitamin C can give a child without limitation

Vitamin C and other vitamins, has a daily rate to exceed that which is not recommended.

Infants too earlier and uncontrolled use of vitamin C can cause swelling of the pancreas, and the older children excess vitamin C accumulates in the kidneys.

Baby oil and powder you want to use every day

The powder should be used only in those cases where the infant in skin folds appeared weeping irritation. Baby oil should be applied only to those areas of the skin where there are signs of irritation from contact with diapers or deep skin folds.

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