Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stones weekdays

Stones weekdaysDay of the week is also important for the selection of the stone, a mascot, because each

day manages his own planet, which determines the predominant

energy background of the day and the talisman that will help you in this

day to complete the planned works, not contrary to the planetary rhythms.

Sunday (Sun) - Labrador, hyacinth, diamond, peridot, aventurine, ruby, Bloodstone, chrysoprase

Monday (Moon) - pearl, opal, aquamarine, adularia, emerald, black diamond, coral, beryl, pearl

Tuesday (Mars) - ruby, garnet, amethyst, black diamond, hematite, Jasper

Environment (Mercury) - agate, Golden Topaz, emerald, carnelian, porphyry, citrine, turquoise

Thursday (Jupiter) - sapphire, diamond, aquamarine, amethyst, turquoise, lapis lazuli, azurite, hyacinth


(Venus) - rose quartz, quartz crystals, pearl, emerald,

beryl, aquamarine, carnelian, onyx, ruby, sapphire, agate, malachite, jade

Saturday (Saturn) - agate, smoky quartz, onyx, Jasper, chalcedony, spinel, green tourmaline, malachite

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