Do not be afraid, if the teeth are too late. Violation of time and order of appearance of milk teeth have long been linked with rickets. But studies show that actually delay the appearance of teeth is common to many normally developing children.
Often teeth are arranged asymmetrically. This "dental disorder is not considered abnormal. When the child learn to chew, teeth, usually sanded and be in place.
Healthy strong babies teething does not cause anxiety. However, may decrease appetite, sometimes disturbed the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness because of the constant itching gums. But in immunocompromised children, this process causes malaise, poor sleep, crying. Can become inflamed gums. Possible diarrhea or vomiting, sometimes the temperature rise up to 37, 5 degrees, intermittent rashes on the body, redness of the skin. When such symptoms of the child need to show the doctor.
If the baby sucks the fingers, a pacifier, he excessive salivation, it easily allows to shove in his mouth and finger and gently massage the gums, but does not look in the mouth - �these are signs of the soon appearing of the tooth. During this period, doctors recommend to regularly wipe the baby's face with a special towel to remove saliva, irritating the skin. Under the child's head, put a clean, flat cloth to absorb the flowing saliva.
Baby you need to give something to chew on. But it is important that the child could not swallow this subject or crack into small pieces. It may be damp Terry washcloth, lie half an hour in the refrigerator. It should be cold, but not frozen, it needs to be washed after each use.
In pharmacies and stores are now a large selection of soothers. Here the opinions of the doctors are divided: some suggest to use rings with a special gel inside, others are strongly against any liquids in the soothers, considering that the latter may burst. For the best results, teether, too, can put for a while in the cold but not freeze it, so as not to damage them weak gums.
Experts advise to periodically lubricate the gums of a baby with special gels, but not too often - �a maximum of 6 times a day, with breaks at least 3 hours. You can help your child, pomassirovat gums clean cool pinky, a light rotational movements go through the upper and lower gums.
Experienced moms recommend another means �chamomile. For example, to add a drop of chamomile oil to 5 ml (teaspoonful) of the main oil and gently RUB in one or both cheeks of the child. Or to give the baby 1-2 teaspoons of chamomile tea (sold in bags). A warm compress with chamomile can be applied to cheek with the side where you cut your teeth.
Folk methods of pain relief. But before you apply them, you need to consult with your doctor.
So, people are advised to carefully wipe the baby's gums and mouth with a cloth wrapped around the finger and moistened with a solution of baking soda or borax (a teaspoon in a glass of water). Or, for example, to give the child to chew the crust of rye bread, savoury crackers from whole ground corn, carrots. Here assume common sense: eat your baby food will not choke if he, if he had any allergies to bread, or carrots.
Another popular tip - �grease gum honey. The recipe is very controversial, because honey, as you know, the strongest allergen.
If the child feels bad, can help paracetamol in pediatric dosage. But in any case do not put aspirin or other pills on the teeth and do not RUB the gums alcohol-containing solutions.
In the period of teething one child remains the same appetite, the other he rises, the third in General may refuse to eat. As soon as pain will pass away, baby all catching up. Try to alleviate the suffering of the baby, using for feeding cold spoon. If the child feels bad in this period, experienced mothers are advised not to introduce a new type of lure.
Experts recommend to start to clean the gums with gauze, as soon as the first tooth. The kid's teeth too clean a finger wrapped in gauze. The next stage - �silicone brush in the form of a fingertip, worn on the finger of a parent, without toothpaste. Toothpaste is better to start to use after the baby learns to spit out her.
And another tip. Children's dentists, believe that healthy teeth and proper development of the jaws, the child should breastfeed for as long as possible. Movement of the mouth when sucking the breast help to prevent the occurrence of malocclusion.
Dorogan A.
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