How nice to receive gifts, sometimes even the small things great pleasure. But you must think, and what energy transfers this man to us along with your gift. Special attention deserve the gifts from the unfamiliar and unpleasant people.
The accumulation of books that do not allow conditions, to allocate a separate room, you can make your life a period of trouble and loss.
Masters of Feng Shui is recommended to keep at home things are, they shape your tomorrow. If some thing is not used over the years, you should get rid of. Carefully review the gifts and Souvenirs that are stored on the shelves sideboards, kitchen.
According to bioenergetics, keeping old things or things you don't use, we thus closing the path to success and not give birth to new ideas.
Cracked and nadhlatul utensils should be thrown away because its resources are exhausted.
The next step is to clean the furniture. Carefully take the old furniture, which over the centuries has accumulated a lot of negative energy.
At the corners of the sideboards and cabinets place small 100 gram stacks of salt. Salt perfectly absorbs the negative. For 3 days and throw in the toilet.
Upholstered furniture need 1-2 times per year to pull out of the corners or rearranged. In places where there was furniture, accumulated energy, fatigue and irritation. Pulling furniture out of the corners for some time, you allow the circulation of energy. Definitely wipe it with a cloth soaked in a salt solution, the salt absorbs the negative.
According to Buddhists, things don't have some kind of energy. The reason lies in ourselves. The thing that provokes the problem possibly being even on a subconscious level, deep inside. Buddhists have a clear notion of things and attitudes. Perhaps when we learn to perceive any thing positively and around himself to see only good things will bring only joy and well-being.Purification of the apartment or house from the negative.
The best assistant in this matter will be final cleaning. The ceiling, walls, Windows, floor wash rag moistened with salt water solution. The cloth preferably as often as possible, rinse under running water (in the sink).
Will acurite the room with incense or go with a lit Church candle clockwise from the threshold. In the corners and over the furniture a little stop, until the flame of the candle will not evenly lit. If in some places the fire begins to crackle, stop and wait until the flame will be aligned and will disappear crack. The light of the candle pointed at a concentration of negative energy.
During fumigation of premises use sandalwood and frankincense. Should go on throughout the apartment, door-clockwise, with the incense.
After the guests, especially if people have been unpleasant for you, spend the exercise "Arch".
Go to the door in the room where you received guests, mentally raise your hands just above the jamb of the door, palms facing toward the door. Freeze for a moment in this position, and then spread arms to the sides. This exercise will allow the negativity left over after your guests, not to accumulate in the corners and on the furniture, and the drain on the floor. Note the domes of the churches, they employ the same principle and the negative parishioners does not accumulate.
Conducting periodically such events, you will create a cozy atmosphere at home and you will avoid a lot of troubles.
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