Uranus and Jupiter at almost the same time (late may - early June) go into the sign of Aries. Activated Point of Aries creates a situation of great energy resonance. You can expect information explosion, events, dramatic, scandalous painting that will be facilitated and mercury in Gemini. For everyone who has a personal resonance with the Point of Aries is the opportunity for the act of self-realization, personal quantum leap of perception, a new look at its capabilities. Point of Aries has the potential energy output from the inside out.
"Award-winning self-realization are increased self-knowledge, more close intimate relationships, better communication, easier (less) guilt and extra energy (as protective, restraining control is weakened and there is a release of energy for other things" (til).
When intense resonance with your own horoscope situation may be similar to the spacewalk without a suit. The face of Pisces and Aries: the Darkness - the Blinding Light. Courage becomes reckless, patience reaches a critical threshold. Jupiter will bring in this configuration the energy of optimism and optimistic, as you know, live longer, and life experiences of their more dynamic. But there is a risk of temporary loss of control, confusion, extreme agitation and powerful energy outflow in some extremely meaningful direction. Not for everyone it is time insight, someone's life can pose a serious problem, but to study trends, which opens the channel RAM is very useful. This is something we have to live in the next few years, and it is better to be a step ahead of others where opens new possibilities for action. Before abandoning it, and, no less important, is to err.
In addition, this time will be useful for the frankness, the confessions, which many will be solved, because the degree of life satisfaction depends on how managed to open yourself to another person (people). This is a good opportunity to catch, so as not to regret.
In early June, Mars will be in opposition to stellium Neptune, Chiron, Lilith on the verge of Aquarius - Pisces. Many will "bring", and rational use of energy will be difficult. There may be a serious concern on the loss of reliable landmarks and points of contact. Mars is in conjunction with Neptune awakens warlike spirit, but the opposition, which involves Chiron, threatens stubs and the vicissitudes of life and requires more trials with the internal aggressive attitudes, insults and complaints. It is useful to make a trip into the past and make a new way to create a new future.
June 6, at the Point of Aries will gather the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. This is the date of ingression of Jupiter in Aries. The opposition of Mars with Neptune, creating energy background of this ingression points to extreme stress and emotional maelstrom that threatens to overwhelm the negative external circumstances or delay in the depths of unconsciousness for intensive samoissledovanii. Spontaneous feelings and actions can stone not to leave from the fact that "got", or to build a bridge between those who are inevitably destined to a common future. New truth can be born from absolutely incredible source.
June 7, after 8 months of stay in Leo Mars enters Virgo. Mercury on June 10, in Gemini. The triumph of the mental constructions, zakapyvanija to the fact the search for the meaning of the situation or its separate parts, fixes, cleanup of accumulated material and a lot of manual work types - all this will be true in June - July.
Tau-square with mercury vodoleyskaya-fish conjunction Mars 8 - June 12, will significantly increase the accident rate and promiscuity in the means of achieving goals, hipertrofia problems and provoking conflicts. And this despite the fact that Jupiter with Uranus at this time are in connection with the 1st degree of Aries, which in itself creates a situation of high energy intensity. You need to prepare yourself for the fact that all the complexity is impossible to predict in advance, but a lot of what not particularly important, you can pull on the brakes, even if your environment is configured on another scenario - but keep the basic position and simply save your nerves and health. "The eyes of fear - the hands do" physical work will give relaxation and to distract from the mental anxiety and obsessive thoughts. In addition, energy will contribute to a particularly difficult and time-consuming work. You only need to keep in mind is safety.
June 12, the new moon in Gemini. The sun begins to clarify Tau-square with Saturn - Jupiter, Uranus. on June 21, the summer solstice. The sun enters the sign of Cancer, and this map can be considered the starting point for the development of events in the three months ahead. The collective unconscious can give a wave natural instincts of cruelty and violence, expansion, mass psychosis, which in combination with the ambitions of leaders (Venus in Leo) can be reduced to the critical level of responsibility, and moral barriers will not withstand the forces of chaos.
But a specific state of mind at this time can be effective in dealing with complex issues that need fresh and original approach, ingenuity in terms of formajor, helping to keep the course current Affairs in order. Need to stay in his place, and to oppose elements of the forces of order. Midsummer (summer solstice festival) - the Union of Heaven (Svarog) and Earth (Makoši) - earthly love as a reflection of the love of space. Once again love to save the world.
Inevitably in everyone's life that will change - event or at the level of inner perception. Something outside the control and influence, but the Moon, which is at the summer solstice will be with the Sun in trine, will create a certain protective field.
June 26 full moon, accompanied by private lunar Eclipse. The strong influence of Pluto on Eclipse is an indication that the conflict situation in the world is gaining momentum. You will need to recognize the necessity of exacerbations and conflicts are more private about that will flare up here and there in our lives, revealing not only the worst but also the best human resources. The end of the month following the Sun and mercury will pass through the same tense aspects. Many things will come to its clarification and certainty. You need not to avoid difficulty, but to look for them in their mistakes, shortcomings. The more attention will be directed at eliminating the chaos around him, the less trouble will be drawn from outside.
If everything is done properly and feel the overall situation, to the upper connection of the Sun with mercury on June 28, must be able to materialize the plans and desires that emerged at the end of April. The second half of June, Venus in Leo. Women pohorosheet and will be prone to put on your best clothes. 14 - 15 June - a good time for the prestigious shopping. Men have to work hard to satisfy their wives and girlfriends.
The Oculus
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