Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Casserole of cheese with pumpkin

Casserole of cheese with pumpkinCasserole is a tasty helpful and fast. Especially when your casserole made of such rich in vitamins product as a pumpkin.


- 500 g of cottage cheese

- 1 kg pumpkin

- 3/4 Cup semolina

- 2 cups milk

- 4 eggs

- 0, 5 cups of sugar

- 3 tablespoons butter

- 1, 5 Cup sour cream

- cumin

- pinch

- Sol

Method of preparation:

Preheat oven to 180 °C. Pour into a saucepan the milk, bring to boil, in a thin stream, pour the semolina. Cook, stirring occasionally, 3 minutes

Pumpkin peel, flesh cut into small pieces and fry in butter, gently stirring, for 7 minutes allow to cool. Add semolina, cheese, 3 eggs, sugar, salt, cumin, stir.

Prepared Massa put in a greased form, the surface smooth and lubricate the remaining egg. Place in oven and bake 30 minutes

Separately apply the cream.



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