Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chocolate ice-cream cake

Chocolate ice-cream cakeWhat better ice cream in the summer? And what could be better than chocolate any time of the year? The correct answer to two questions - nothing! Believe me after such a cake you just "be all chocolate".


- 200g shortbread cookies

- 50-70 g butter

- 500 g of ice cream

- 500 g chocolate ice cream

- 100 g dark chocolate

- 100 g white chocolate

Method of preparation:

Crush cookies into fine crumbs.

Melt the butter in a water bath and add the biscuits, then stir a lot and put on the bottom of the prepared form. Put the pan in the freezer for approximately 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, get ice cream, so it has become softer.

When cookies are cooled, place one layer of ice cream, and then the second, and remove the pan in the freezer for another 2 hours.

When the ice cream hardens, remove it from the mold and decorate with grated chocolate.

More recipes for ice cream.


Women's Magazine

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