The woman told that nothing supernatural is not seen, just "clicked" evening view from the kitchen, where she went, tuginev with guests. The camera held at arm's length. And then, looking at her screen and found some bright, even sparkling, creating with head, hands, legs and wings.
Familiar with fairy tale themes, Phyllis immediately recognized in the creation of the fairy. They are fairy - like and are: tiny women with wings like dragonflies.
Mrs. bacon is ready to assume that the lens may have fallen angel. But the version with her fairy like.
According to Housewives, the picture she made two years ago. And since then tried to understand what it is. After all, the reason she told me that fairies, as well as angels, in real life does not happen. And most likely, the lens got any insect.
Phyllis searched the Internet in search of a suitable butterfly, butterflies, dragonflies or locust. But nothing like that in her assurances, not found. And in the end decided to think that I had photographed all the same fairy. With this came the other day in the newspaper, where she happily greeted. And posted a picture. Not only fairies, but the Phillies.
Instead of the comment
In the digital age the fabulous creatures became more
At the dawn of the photographic works of people were misled on purpose. And with great difficulty. Different stories had to be cut out of paper, put next to real people and only then to take pictures. So, for example, was made famous photo of fairies, which in 1917 first published many British Newspapers, and then it went and around the world. The authors photo 16-year-old Alice Wright (Elsie Wright and her 10-year-old cousin Frances Griffiths (Frances Griffiths). Girls from London (West Yorkshire) claimed to have made a real fairy, which often played in the garden. And believe them. Only after several decades pretty grown-up of charlatanry admitted that joked.
Today, almost deliberately don't do that. Yes and don't need it. Advanced photo and video equipment creates exciting the imagination of the picture. Another question: how to interpret them?
For example, for some time, began to appear in the image of some ghostly objects - sort of rods with multiple pairs of wings. Ufologists dubbed them "sky fish". Saying that it is unknown to science, the creatures that live in the atmosphere.
Experts understood: fish are like insects, accidentally fall into the cameras lens. Such a quaint feel they are getting for the exposure time of one frame. Wings is really wings, but blurry. Look spirals. And actually represent the combined phase sweeps. The effect occurs when the insect flies past the camera lens at a distance less than the focal.
Similar reasonable fashion experts and explain the appearance of "ghosts" - whitish clots, which are sometimes fixed surveillance cameras. And this is either the same insects, or fuzzes.
So "fairy" Mrs. bacon - probably an insect. Most likely, a large moth, illuminated by the flash. And if you look closer, you on the head "fairies" you can see very large antennae. And "legs" and "handle" is just a phase of flapping wings.
But the picture, of course, beautiful. And really creates a fantastic illusion.
By the way
The corpse fairies sold for $ 500
In 2007, the Internet was lined with shocking images. On them is the dead body of fairies. More precisely, her mummy. From the accompanying description, it followed that found it again in England (Duffield, Derbyshire). Supposedly the mummy stumbled across a local resident, who asked to remain anonymous, who has missed the dog. Actually, the dog and found attracted the attention of the owner by barking.
It was reported and anatomical details. Supposedly, the growth being 8 inches (about 20 centimeters), there are well-preserved wings, the remains of red hair, even teeth. And supposedly criminologists confirm: the mummy true.
The pictures appeared on 1 April 2007. And nevertheless extremely excited Internet community. Their author - a Dan Baines (Dan Baines) - received thousands of emails. And already on April 11, confessed that he was joking. That corpse is a fake, made his own, because he is Dan Baines is a professional manufacturer of such products and any magic tricks for magic tricks.
And manufacture them earn a living. That's "the mummy" he managed to sell for? 300 (almost $ 500). It was purchased by an anonymous collector from the United States. About this fact, for the sake of calming the public, said even the air force.
You won't believe, but, pardon the pun, Baines did not believe. Many fans conspiracies decided that the mummy was indeed real. But the owner pressed the government has taken a terrible discovery. And now hides. As it does about, say, UFOs.
I never thought that so many people believe in fairies - surprised Baines in an interview to BBC. I still write by e-mail with the requirements of the "tell the truth".
Side view medicine
Storyteller Hans Christian Andersen really saw Thumbelina
The persistence of the belief in fairies and other fantasy creatures, many psychiatrists associated with a strange condition in which flow some perfectly healthy people. And isn't that crazy. They suddenly begin to see hallucinations. And those who admit it, tell that most of their visit ... fairies. Specifically tiny creatures, male and female, growing to 10-20 cm. And sometimes with wings. People with this perceived "visitors" are very real. And few people realize that dealing with hallucinations. For many, they even like them.
This "fairy-tale" the condition is called Charles bonnet syndrome (SSB) - on behalf of the Swiss philosopher, who first described it in 1760. The nature of this phenomenon is still not clarified. It was also thought that the syndrome is manifested mainly in the elderly, have affected vision. For example, cataracts or glaucoma.
But then it turned out that fairies sometimes haunted by those who have eyes in order. And this happens mostly when people fall sharply from light to dark. Or just a long time are in the dark, alone, are worried about something.
Scientists suggest that SSB occurs after all of the errors of the brain, which tries to analyze sparse visual information. He creates some sort of image, thus distorting the scale extracted from the memory objects. And get a little tiny people. And people believe them to be fairies or angels. Or even aliens. But this is only a hypothesis.
By the way, according to one version, the Charles bonnet syndrome suffered constantly anxious to hysterics - famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. That is, he could see her Thumbelina.
Tell that to Anderson coined the phrase: "Competently written the fiction becomes a beautiful tale".
Komsomolskaya Pravda
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