Forget about the "modern" diet, if you really want to lose weight and to maintain this position. Otherwise you can ruin your health! The consulting dietitian.
Finding solutions to the problems of overweight relevant for all developed countries of the world, where people lead a sedentary way of life, smokes, drinks alcohol and eats "bad" unnatural products. Also rampant uncontrolled passion diets leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, metabolic disorders and frustration of the hormonal system. The main problem is that the vast majority of overweight people, unconditionally believe in the miracle diets found on the Internet, in a magazine or heard in an interview of some movie star. And if this person does not think about how this information is true and backed by scientific evidence. But overweight is not just a problem of your appearance. This is a problem of your body that you can trust only a qualified doctor.
Don't be fooled: "pseudo" diet
The term "diet" itself is conditional, and if previously the scientific evidence base had only entered in-patient treatment tables, but now, according to dietitian Surovtseva A. P., advocated methods of food correction no proofs in science. The specialist says that the same applies to books about diets, which do not always described contraindications. "Unfortunately, the problem of overweight interested in traders who are used to gain the network marketing: how in the Supplement industry (offsets diet), attributing to them the healing properties and promoting newfangled diet," says Karagodsky.
Mostly followers of the diet are adolescent girls and women after the age of 30, which cause the body to irreparable harm, the years following "pseudo diet". Of course, before you go on diet, you must consult your doctor. Also should apply only to specialists in the field of nutrition, with higher medical education.
If we analyze the modern diet, you can come to the conclusion that most modern popularized diets...
- have no scientific reasoning is not consistent with the principles of evidence-based medicine, and have not been large-scale studies;
- do not correspond to the principles of healthy eating;
- have poor nutrient composition (lack of protein, carbohydrates, micro and macronutrients);
- contain the same set of products.
Uncontrolled passion diets leads to:
- reduction and humoral immune status of the organism;
- increase the risk of nutritional (food) diseases, avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis;
- children and adolescents - results in the cessation of growth, inhibition of physical and mental development;
a sharp reduction of caloric intake leads to lower blood sugar levels and, consequently, weakness, apathy, decreased performance, syncopal States;
- hormonal imbalance, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities;
- exacerbation of gout, gallstones, arterial hypotension, autonomic disorders, increased anxiety, depression;
this leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
The weight reduction effect is considerable, but unstable, as after long-term Hobbies diets weight begins to increase more quickly.
Stress to the body
Modern diets available in the Internet, books, presents as diets for 3-7 days. According to nutritionist, this is unacceptable, when, for example, the woman initially consumes 4500 calories a day, 900, products at one time, and then begins sharply to follow a diet with calories 800 calories, just eating 200g of food for one admission. The human body organ systems receive stress in the form of feelings of hunger, which leads to improvement and reduction of body weight and pathological condition of the disease.
It must be emphasized that the sudden introduction of a diet with a maximum reduction with less than 1200 calories kcal should be carried out strictly in accordance with the indications of the doctor in the hospital and observations.
Parents should pay attention to the daughters of teenagers who are plagued by yourself diets for 6 months or more and will immediately go to a psychologist and dietitian.
Scientific approach - real result
"Analyzing "trendy" diets, any doctor will be shocked by the approach to the treatment of alimentary obesity," says Karagodsky A. P. - "Therefore, it should be emphasized that there is no modern diets have long-lasting positive effect on the effectiveness and tolerability and safety".
Therefore, in clinics, medical nutrition, and in consultation with the nutritionist used diet on the basis of development of the Institutions of power, based on the principles of science and argumentation, last tested in hospitals and clinics.
Practice has proved that only an individual approach to the individual patient, consultation and questionnaires will help to take into account his state of health, presence of acute and chronic diseases. Also, before correction of the diet selected by the physician, there should be a set of laboratory and functional investigations to make a diagnosis of organs and organ systems (anthropometry, blood sugar, complete blood count, biochemical blood analysis, ultrasound bodies OAC, analysis of cholesterol and triglycerides).
In addition, the physician should conduct an analysis of food habits of the patient, eating behaviors, dietary and compliance with diet, quality of used products, to track the causes and dynamics of weight gain. Then teach the patient to keep a food diary.
And only after a thorough examination and analysis, you can make an individual diet (based on the principles of a balanced diet), aimed at a specific problem, in particular, to reduce excess body weight and General health of the body.
Therefore it is impossible to recommend two different people, with different body weight, gender, height, peculiarities of metabolism and health condition the same diet.And that is what you do when you decide to stick to the diet, which is somewhere heard or read, without consulting with specialists.
It should also be stressed that contraindicated to limit the intake of food for a long time and without medical supervision!
Remember that health is the most precious gift of nature and not self-medicate and self-dietotherapy.
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