Wednesday, January 21, 2015



The Japanese diet has gained huge popularity. Moreover, this kind of diet are interested not only in our country but also in many of the world's leading countries.The reason for the popularity of this diet is that the Japanese are the holders of the title of the nation with the longest life.

And this fact should be enough to confirm the effectiveness of this diet.Unfortunately, our country can boast only of average life expectancy, which is almost equal to the global average life expectancy. But, on the other hand, the population of the African countries live much less than we do.

Many assume that it is due to the appropriate conditions of life form the reasons for the longevity of the Japanese nation.

If you adhere to this diet it is necessary to abandon wheat and meat. And instead of meat and wheat can and should be used in food fish and rice. These products are healthier. Because fish contains almost no saturated fats. Many varieties of fish observed in the content of fatty acids and other healthy fats to the human body.

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