Dejected, melancholy, boredom, spleen, melancholy, melancholy, despondency - English so generous with words describing a bad mood. But the diagnosis of "depression" or "melancholy" you, of course, in the medical reference books't find it. They operate on other concepts, such as "stress" and "depression". Everyone who mobilizes its forces to fight bad mood, it is important to distinguish between these States and know that they are closely related to each other.
For stress, for example, a typical irritability, temper and anxiety, the inability to keep in control. If you notice these symptoms, do not panic, to fight with them, there are natural sedatives. The main thing to remember that thoughtless attitude stress does not forgive, it becomes chronic and eventually exhausts the possibilities of the nervous system, turning into a real depression. And fatigue and apathy characteristic of this condition, often so strong that to cope with them without specialist fails.
So do not delay the fight with a bad mood for a long time - the sooner and more energetic to start a battle, the less likely it is that the words "stress" and "depression" will have to you some respect. And the faster on your horizon, the sun will Shine no matter what the weather. Only let's just say: shopping and sweet not to offer: the first has a negative impact on the budget, and the second - on the condition of the teeth and shape. So look for a more secure, but no less effective ways of getting rid of a bad mood.
Go to the bath
Instead of sending at a known address anyone who comes across your path, go to the baths themselves, if there are no contraindications, of course. Choose what you like more: Russian, Turkish, Finnish is not important. The main thing is to give the body temperature test and help a good sweating and sweat to bring all accumulated over the autumn negative. Incidentally, bathing stimulates regenerative processes in the peripheral nerves, which means that contrary to popular misconception, the nerve cells still recovering! Radiant freshness of the skin, freed from all sorts of toxins, the pair left in the bath pounds and a few are visually lost years will further enhance the mood.
Get used
Feel free to laugh at every opportunity and even uncomfortable if it has a beneficial effect not only on the mood, but generally on health. Moreover, even if the reasons for no fun and laughter turns tense, it doesn't matter, our body on a physiological level may not feel the difference and it still runs certain biochemical processes, which improves the mood and feeling. So after a while artificial laughter becomes genuine and contagious. Incidentally, the American journalist Norman Cousens, who was one of the first checked his smehoterapiya, laughter helped to cope with a fatal illness: he lived another quarter of a century after he was diagnosed.
Fill your life with colors
Very often, the mood decline in autumn is associated with the banal lack of light. In order not to drown in the seasonal Blues, try to saturate the surrounding interior with bright colors. First of all, screw in the chandelier light bulb brighter and stop it to save on electricity. Get orange curtains - during the day they will create the illusion that the room is filled with sunlight. To remind you of the sun can also oranges and tangerines, lined with picturesque hill in the fruit bowl. In addition, they will saturate the air invigorating citrus scent, and the body will appreciate the extra dose of vitamin C, which is essential to the nervous system in order to effectively confront all sorts of trouble.
Arrange yourself adventure
If the depression deeper tighten in their network, then it's time to give yourself the emotional and physical shock. To jump with a parachute, ride a roller coaster, climb to the highest point on the rock - climbing wall is a range of such entertainment is so great that it remains only to choose what will make the strongest impression on soundrive the body. After a thrilling adventure, you will feel refreshed and instead of moping, will be proud of his brave deed. To improve the effect is allowed to shamelessly brag about their courage, especially in front of people that you did not believe.
Help someone worse
Finding a man who reasons to be depressed more than you have problems probably will not be. Carefully listen to it, I sincerely sympathize with, try to encourage and help however you can, this will be a major contribution to improving mood. Moreover, it will act not only on your ward. Altruism, as shown by a number of scientific studies, not only reduces stress, but also strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular system and actually prolongs life.
Get pet
Animals are so healing effect on humans, especially on his psycho-emotional sphere, which in medicine is already developing a new direction animaloterapiya. Communication with animals contributes to the development of hormone happiness - serotonin, moreover, in order to improve a bad mood quite fifteen, twenty minutes. So if you are not ready to get a pet, go to visit friends who have a cats or dogs, they are best to help cope with stress. You can even go to the nearest pet store and enjoy the fish - their contemplation also recognized the healing and relaxing.
Take a nature
Residents of big cities are under constant irritating factors of the urban environment - man-made landscapes and the noise kept us in constant tension, which leads to the spleen. So at the first opportunity, go to the nearest Park to admire the natural scenery, it not only calms the nervous system, but even stimulates cognitive processes and can improve short-term memory. So it is quite possible that on a country walk you will visit the insight that will help to solve some long-standing problem. By the way, similar effects have images of nature, so that you can hang around the apartment landscapes and place the matching Wallpaper on your desktop computer.
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