The black sea is full of mysteries and anomalies. One of the first of its origin. If you believe the studies, a total of eight thousand years ago in its place was a new-Abscissae lake - sea. Five thousand years ago under the influence of movements of the earth's crust, changes in climate and levels of the oceans formed the old black sea basin. In the last three thousand years, nature has "calmed down" and the pool took a modern look. Thus, the sea, on the territory of which can accommodate Austria, Greece, Iceland and Portugal, together, formed almost "instantly", but usually the nature of working on this "project" about a million years.
The decomposition of organic matter in the conditions of lack of oxygen gave rise to the main anomaly of the Black sea - mos layer. He fills the water column with 125-m depth and takes 90 percent of its volume. Hydrogen sulfide is flammable, soluble in water, explodes, mixing with the air... Over the last thirty years, the level of hydrogen sulfide layer climbed to 50 metres - this is confirmed by the international Oceanographic expedition. Not so long ago he was found in the Eastern part of the Black sea at a depth of 30 meters! However the hydrogen sulfide does not rise to the surface s-layer - another anomaly of the Black sea. This layer allows us to live on the coast.
Hundreds of years of history the sea has not been registered in the case where the hydrogen sulfide would rise to the surface and destroyed human life. May be reason for concern? However, warns about the danger of the experience accumulated by mankind in the other basins of the World ocean, poisoned by hydrogen sulfide. Thus, in Peru in 1980, the coast has accumulated a mountain of dead fish, and catches declined by almost six times. Passing ships became black. It was all a result of the surface water with hydrogen sulfide. In 1983, the American satellite, making a circle around the Earth revealed that the color of the Dead sea instead of the blue became black. Studies have shown that the sea is "turned over": water, saturated with hydrogen sulfide, came to the surface. In Cameroon in 1986, died in 1746 people who lived in the lake district-killer NRENs, suddenly threw a huge cloud of suffocating gases. Scientists still can't figure out how to accumulate and the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the Black sea. By the way, and we, in the district of Odessa, since 1978 repeatedly on the beach were hundreds of tons of dead fish, poisoned by hydrogen sulfide.
Sea of fire in the night of 11 to 12 September 1927 makes you think a lot. In the Crimean region such earthquakes occur once in 70-100 years. It is not excluded that the following will occur between 2000 and 2030 in the area of Alushta-Simeiz, 20-50 miles from shore. Moreover, if from 1949 to 1980 there were six significant earthquake on average every five years, from 1980 to 1998 - seven earthquakes at intervals of 2, 6 years. Obviously, the tension in the bowels of the earth increases. Fire disaster may cause not only an earthquake or tectonic movement. Every year the countries of the black sea basin is discharged into the sea hundreds of thousands of tons of organic and inorganic substances, metals. Together, these components can be converted into a powerful explosive. So, you shouldn't bury your head in the sand" - as was the case with Chernobyl. We need to seriously deal with the marine environment and research in the field of oceanografia to prevent possible catastrophe.
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