To play the violin or to dissect tadpoles?
To have passion in any case it is useful. According to scientists, the feeling of freedom that comes from the activity for the sake of pleasure from the activity itself, and not for some external reasons, increases self-esteem. Hobbies teach children to be responsible, self, care for others ' work.
Hobbies that are close in fact the main activities (psychologists call them "business") have a training effect. For example, chess develops memory and are taught to conceive of the future.
Many experts believe that for the harmonious development of personality of the more useful Hobbies, which have no relation to the main activity. Such Hobbies allow you to use those abilities that are not used in school. At the same time the child becomes more innovative, effective and in school.
Sometimes children's hobby turns into a lifetime hobby that helps you to find passion and profession. But not perfected the experience will still be useful: after trying several directions, it is easier to see what pulls more. And when the child has been determined, it is easier to motivate. For example, he wants to become an engineer. Hence, it is easier to pay attention to the serious study of mathematics.
Some psychologists recommend to choose Hobbies that help compensate for weaknesses. For example, children who are struggling to bring something to the end, it will be useful matter that requires perseverance and patience - weaving, embroidery, knitting, crafts made from clay or natural materials.
Others believe that when choosing a hobby it is necessary to consider the individual characteristics of the child, character, temperament. For example, the choleric need a sports section, melancholic - creative workshops, phlegmatic, educational, scientific and popular circles. But the sanguine is important to try everything!
What influences the choice of hobby?
The interests of the parents.
Hobbies children largely depend on what busy adult. The kid from a family of artists, growing among the easels, with high probability, will be fond of drawing. Often children share and parental Hobbies: for example, with pleasure fishing with my dad. To grow adherent, often discuss with your child their Hobbies, looking about him all sorts of interesting detail, answer any childrens questions. If the child turned out to be as competent as you find the strength to acknowledge his superiority. If he had done something wrong, don't blame: for General hobby should be fun.
Genetic predisposition. She explains, where there is a musically gifted child in a working class family or technician in writing. At some point the genes of ancient ancestors "Wake up", the child is drawn to any particular fact, and enjoys them so that the ears will not retard". The matter becomes his passion. And the function of parents is not to be surprised and not to hinder, even "strange" lesson in your own soul, no response calls. And dad is a scientist, for example, it seems that "not a matter of" swing your legs on stage. Is to listen to your child and focus on inclinations and abilities, which appear in it.
Parental advice and guidance.
Of course, there are children from their hobby had to divert so as not to harm their health. In all other cases, parents useful to persevere, to try with your child to find some positive aspects in any activity, which he will do, constantly encourage and stimulate motivation. Otherwise at the slightest problems need to work hard and exert baby from hobby will refuse.
To maintain interest, constantly encourage and praise the child. For example, you can allocate a special shelf for crafts or decorations, "Board of honor" for photos.
If the child refuses from some unfamiliar to him classes (but useful from your point of view), will offer a "trial lesson". For example, you want to improve its coordination. Will lead the child to the Studio of ballroom dancing, look together with him, as is a lesson, and then ask them to try to do. If he does it's not interesting, he categorically refuses to learn ballroom dancing. Well, then, "not him." But to understand, you should try.
Unrealized desire to dads and moms. Tips should be distributed carefully. We all consciously or unconsciously want the child was similar to ourselves, but not "real", as such, what we wanted to become. Often parents do everything to the son or daughter has embodied their dreams of becoming a hockey player or a ballerina, which aggressively trying to awaken the child's desire to engage in some activity at its discretion. Here we must understand that it is not always dreams of children and parents are the same, and a visit to the section or circle only at the insistence of adults do not always yield positive results.
For example, psychologists have found that the main factor determining the degree of development in children Hobbies music, was giving parents freedom in drawing up their own timetables. Parents wishing to awaken in children a passion for music, sports or other Hobbies, must follow one simple rule: do not put on a child of pressure! The child must feel that he is acting on the basis of their values and desires.
Think that their dreams can attract the child. Suppose you are an avid chess player, hoping to infect the daughter of chess, but she, to your regret, indifferently looks at the checkered Board and draws all day princes and princesses. Ask her to paint a chess piece, and at the same time introduce her to how what shape goes. Nothing happens? Do not push. Perhaps the best is still ahead.
7 problems - one solution: respect to the choice of the child
It is clear that the favorite pastime of the child often does not coincide with the parent and even with representations of mothers and fathers on how it should be. What to do if...
Problem 1. Interested in nothing
Solution. Expanding horizons. Will help museums, sightseeing, theatres, books, magazines. You can visit the artist's Studio, in the garage or on restoration work at the Museum. Useful meetings with interesting people: if possible, introduce your son or daughter with professionals - certainly among friends there is an artist, sculptor, architect, doctor or scientist. Ask your child to understand how big the world of passion and you will find something for everyone.
Or they sainteresoas any occupation, hitherto daze unknown: origami, Assembly models, dancing, singing, horse riding. On holidays and just choose baby gifts that can become the basis for future Hobbies, something that stimulates the imagination, fantasy or desire to learn new skills (various instruments, kits for handmade, camera or microscope). The brighter and more varied life, the greater the likelihood that the child will find his passion.
Problem 2. So absorbed that he forgets about studying
Solution. It is not excluded that such a strong passion for will be the basis for the choice of future profession. Stress to your child that school knowledge will help him to become a real professional. For example, future fashion designer you need to create a pattern for that one needs a good knowledge of the basics of geometry and drawing skills, to know the history and Ethnography.
Well, when the child before your eyes is an example of a wide range of interests of the parents. Having a wide selection of different pastimes, it is easier to determine. Otherwise, the significance of one particular hobby grows strongly.
Problem 3. Change as gloves
Solution. To put up with this mess interests. Of course, for adults troublesome when Hobbies children change very often. But children with early expressed enthusiasm occur quite rarely. "Average" guys are in constant search. Pressure and accusations of frivolity will not make the child more serious and purposeful. In the end, the main thing is that hobby did his present and future life more interesting and richer. Give the opportunity to try all Hobbies, to which he aspires.
And just in case, check that it is not like the child in "abandoned" the hobby. The reasons can be different, for example, do not have a relationship with the head. Perhaps the situation can be corrected.
Problem 4. The whole world is reduced to computer
Solution. Computer games can also be a hobby: it is important that this not be turned into a mania. Computer skills can become the basis for other Hobbies - for example, Hobbies: photography, design, art, programming. At the same time it would be good to come up with something that is associated with the movement, and agree to pay him a certain number of minutes per day. Not necessary to place the child in a "serious" sports simply physical exercises for overall development: even "rolled out" to enjoy playing football with my dad or splashing in the pool.
Problem 5. Hobby does not match the floor
Solution. Many parents fear "absolutely far - " passions of their sons: they are apprehensive of such Hobbies boys as gardening, embroidery or knitting. Or, on the contrary, the family opposes daughter of carting or karate. Grounds for unrest't: sexual orientation in any way from the hobby is not affected, and gender roles are constantly changing. It will be useful to introduce the child to other, more "relevant" his Hobbies. The more you create informative moments, the more likely that some of them, the child will find their interest in this area. The main thing is not to prohibit, and not to make fun of. To help the Board does not mean to impose their own ideas about life. Allow the child to be himself: "behold, I am the man I am, I would like to sew soft toys, and not to play hockey. And it's my choice".
Problem 6. Obsessed with collecting
Solution. Passion for collecting can be combined with cognitive demand, with a tendency to the accumulation of material goods (the collecting of ancient coins, expensive stones) and even with the desire to follow teen Vogue (the gathering of winx dolls, stickers), etc., In any case, by collecting the child cultivate qualities such as punctuality, responsibility, commitment, perseverance, sociability. Collecting develops the ability to make choices. It is noted that many great people have their own biases to the gathering.
When you have recognized a child's right to collect what he likes, show him pictures and photo images, stored as a similar collection, as his fellow hobby spend fees and exhibitions. Together consider their own ways of storing and sharing collection. You can try to rationally organize a place in his Cabinet or shelf in the nursery so that the collection was visible, and accessible.
Problem 7. Brings home the animals indiscriminately
Solution. Communication with our smaller brethren" teaches the child responsibility and care. If your child is interested in animals much more than other family members, you should look for the circle with the living area or what used to be called "station of young naturalists". Communication with animals in specially designated areas keeps the nerves parents and cleanliness in the house. The decision to include an animal in the house should be taken together.
Patience and again patience
"Sullen and indifferent baggy scattered Alexander was confused and was off beat. The mother, whose face was stained with anger, looked at their children outraged, bewildered. She seemed to herself a beauty. And the boy with the monkey eyes, angular movements, almost freak - was her son, slender, red-breasted stooped back the girl was her daughter. And, feeling a strange disgust, anger, and bitter self-pity, she stood up and threw them out the door as throw kittens.
... Before going to sleep in bed Alexander suddenly understood everything. He was ugly and plain. He remembered, as was the music with her sister, and cried from the humiliation".
Who is this boy? Yuri Tynyanov writes about Alexander Pushkin. Good to dance he never learned.
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