It is unknown whether live longer than people with an active creative life position, and how much they are healthier. But exactly what if not "quantity", "quality" of the years they have completely different intensity and content. In art therapy there are several directions. Which of them will best suit you, you can ask the little girl what you were once: ask her what she preferred to do? If with pleasure painted Wallpaper - pay attention to the canvas and paints. Danced so that neighbors would proofread your parents - then dance just for you. All my mother's deodorants saw first of all the microphones, therefore, the music would most benefit.
Everyone just needs self-realization, as in eating or sleeping. To Express their point of view in conversation. To be successful at work. To draw inspiration in farming or raising children. Here are the most natural channel through which flows the stream of our self-realization. Art therapy removes the need for it on a conscious level, as a result we are able to manifest in the world more fully and vividly. We are proud of our karakami-malakai, imagine how well we dance or sing, and all that fills our existence with meaning. Persons creativity the same as in humans - there are no two similar drawings, dances or songs. Each actor plays their own way. Therefore, for human creativity is one of the ways to find and know yourself: what lies in the depths of his soul. And facing this question for the better side of human psyche, to the bright, rich, sincere his impulses. It also helps to dig out hidden in the depth of the problem.
So creativity is it necessary to go! Art therapy can be a wonderful beginning of your self, although, of course, the music of Mozart or the works of Dostoevsky certainly not call her creations. One of my friends in my free time comes in his art Studio and painted there pots and plates. Argues that karate (his second passion) and not hold a candle to inflame passions in the course of employment!
Isotherapy. What color is your inner world?
Drawing and applied arts is one of the most common areas of art therapy. Isotherapy urge people to reflect their inner feelings on paper as you can be more spontaneous. To Express the hopes, concerns, fantasies and images much easier than talking about them. When creating a picture of the person is removed the barrier of self-censorship, a door opens in his subconscious. Also one of the most common techniques isotherapy is the image of my dreams. Asterisks and circles during telephone conversations, too, could give some idea about the condition of the human psyche.
And analyze your color choice is actually a real feast for the therapist! Thus, the preference for blue means striving for peace, yellow for fun, green - to knowledge. Red indicates excitement and determination, desire to win. Any draw - will give about yourself the lowdown!
Lesson: Take the album, paints or pencils, sit where you can be alone, and completely relax. When your mind is calm, try to ask yourself the question: "what is my life? " (as options: "joy", "sadness", "my bad neighbor"). And start to draw. Not sure this should be the subject image may simply beautiful colored spots. And then look at it and try to "decode" the message to your subconscious - what kind of problems it blows. Although the interpretation is not always correct, still, if the sheet does not appear system fascists or dead rats - it can and not to be a psychiatrist.
Of course, this is just one of the exercises. It is also useful to draw all their problems, even the most negative - so we give vent to emotions. From time to time to return to the old and to see how they evolved. Using art therapy can perfectly work with conflict situations. For example, if you plant your own or the enemy drawn in the cell is already much will reduce the voltage.
The musictherapy. The sounds of happiness
"Music is a higher revelation than the wisdom and philosophy," he said in his time, Beethoven. And he was a professional, so what, what, and in music, his opinion can be trusted. Numerous Western studies show that this therapy brings undoubted benefits to health. Its effective use in Alzheimer's disease, insomnia, various depressive States, to improve work productivity and even reduce pain. Music adjusts the condition of the person under its sounding like a tuning fork - this enables certain parts of the cerebral cortex. So it is very important to listen to classical music or just a pleasant melody that was created for beauty and harmony, and not for the rapid replenishment of the pocket.
Lesson: Periodically take for yourself among the sessions passive music therapy (i.e. listening). 15-30 minutes of this pastime will quickly put in order as physical (breathing, heart rate, blood pressure), and mental health. Just try not to listen to aggressive or overwhelming music - these conditions can be transmitted to you.
And if you love to sing - do not deny yourself this pleasure. This is called active music therapy. Play on any instrument, sing karaoke. Expressed through songs that bothers you - it is better this way to let off steam than to throw pots in a spouse.
Dance therapy. The emotions expressed in the dance
Our whole life is in motion. Even in sleep, when we just breathe is a natural condition inherent to the whole material world. If the dance steps charm and attract you, but the same type of workout in the fitness room, tired of the monotony, try to discover dance therapy. Classes it can be so healing that you have all the chances to change your view of the world - it is only important to make dance his assistant.
One of the Western psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich explains that when we for a long time do not give out emotions (any: the hurt, the joy, even the love of soiled), they accumulate in the cells of the body, "preserved" there and form some kind of muscular armor. Dance therapy helps to break him. To dance you need to until you feel free again. Classes in the class in this case is not suitable for the simple reason that movement there are an instructor, and not evolve spontaneously.
Lesson: Put the music that inspires you. Not necessarily to start with the classics - it is important that favorite tune was made you smile and the desire to Express himself through it. Stand in the center of the spacious room and close your eyes. Imagine yourself dancing like you're the most perfect dancer in the world. Then start the movement. Any. No matter beautiful they are or not, the main thing is not to evaluate yourself. Just improvise, focusing on their feelings. Try to portray how you see the world. Or his love. Try to vatansever" resentment or conflict you are tormented. Don't think about anything - just dance!
Play therapy. What is our life? Game...
Theatre also has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Playing difficult situations, addressing the deep recesses of the soul in search of the right emotions, we thus pave the way to the subconscious. In process drama games to play are the same memory, attention, will, imagination, feelings, logic, the ability to control your body. So many things in one bottle, which is great Actresses, for some reason do not reach the scene, we recommend you run to find like-minded people and get to work.
One variation of this direction is sand therapy, which are most often used in work with children. It is just perfect for anxious, suspicious, aggressive or shy kids. While playing, they largely solve their problems themselves without noticing. In addition, the sandbox consists of natural materials. According to parapsychologists, sand and wood absorb negative psychic energy, interacting with them, stabilizes the emotional state of a person.
And yet. Do you know what sexual games with her husband, too, to some extent, the play therapy? And why not? They help to release emotions, emancipate the mind, relieve tension.
Lesson: Very effective as a play therapy improvised playing different life situations. It is not necessary to go into the Studio, it is enough to do all the house. Do exciting moments you cast, and try to transform into both the image itself and its opponent or the abuser. This empathy will help you to better understand his point of view. Learn the gesture and the word to Express what is important to you. Play, vyskazyvalsa - more than feelings will break out, the better. Try to do this with your child. Not just give him the job, and to play on equal terms. For example, write a tale where you could be a fairy or Princess and the baby, of course, the main character.
The tale therapy
. And they lived happily ever after...
This kind of art therapy helps translate your emotions, your inner vision on paper. It is great for dreamers. If in your head all the time, swirling some vague images, and tell the tale baby at night for you holiday - tale therapy fit best. Apply it to analyze the mental state, simulations, coping and acute life crises and even for the preparation of internal changes. And look what she did with JK Rowling, the author of the "Harry Potter" - fantastic fiction forever changed her life!
Therapists in this direction work with artistic, meditative, psychotherapeutic tales. Mature - turn to the experts. If psychological problems are not too worried - decide on their own.
Lesson: Sit comfortably, take a pen and paper, take it easy and relax. Then let yourself go - picture the various epic heroes, any incredible worlds. Can try to make yourself the main character of tales and live on paper real difficult situation just like you wanted it passed. Dignified and beautiful, and not "as usual". Such creativity may seem like an escape from reality, but equally it is legitimate to call and psychoanalysis, and sublimemovies energy, and preparation for reality. You can also try not to make words in connected history, but simply to release them from themselves senseless stream of associations. Before that, ask yourself a question about a particular aspect of life - and "release" the flow of thought. Soon you all will tell. The main thing - do not be afraid...
And finally...
Absolutely priceless advice from art therapists
If you suffer from unrequited love or are you tormented by anxiety, anything constructive is not leading, try to depict it in the form of a drawing or paper figures. At the same time try all the pain, hurt and anger to invest in it. The more there will be sincere emotions, snot and charges - the only better: so we energies suffering put on paper. Then, when the tears a little let go, of course, they are now in your drawing! "burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind!
Don't believe that will help? I think schizophrenia and magic? And here and there - this method was invented by serious scientists-psychotherapists.
Us advises Maria Leonidov, practical psychologist, psychotherapist
Journal of Prevention, February 2009
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