Friday, January 16, 2015

Cellulite without dieting

Cellulite without dietingTo beat cellulite is not easy, however, ways of dealing with it a lot. Universal means for cellulite reduction no. The most effective is to choose a set of procedures that solve exactly your problem.

The term cellulite was first introduced in the USA in 1973. Then the owner of the famous new York beauty Nicole Ronsard published in Vogue magazine a school called "Cellulite: lumps, buttons and knobs, from which you could not get before."

Cellulite is a condition of the subcutaneous fat, where the fat is first accumulated and then "locked" inside the cell. It increases in volume and as it pushes the skin up. You receive the so-called "orange peel".

Often the cellulite localized in the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The process of fat deposition in these places is determined by the anatomical features of the female body and have nothing to do either with age or body shape. To provoke or intensify existing cellulite six factors: hormonal rebellion, heredity, lack of exercise, poor diet, tight clothing and footwear, stress.

Cellulite is mostly cosmetic and psychological problem. However, in case of certain circumstances and at a certain stage of development it can cause discomfort and affect the health of the woman. In particular, for varicose veins a vicious circle: varicose veins provokes the development of cellulite, which hinders the outflow of venous blood (especially in the edematous stage), which again contributes to the development of varicose veins, and further thrombophlebitis.

Cellulite treatment

SPA peeling is applied as enhance the effect of massage, as well as a private SPA treatment. Before anti-cellulite massage peeling is done several times. SPA exfoliation helps deeply cleanse the skin, exfoliate dead skin particles, helping to remove toxins and waste products from the body. In the SPA peeling improves blood circulation, normalizes the flow of lymph. Peeling tones the skin, it reduces the fat layer, so exfoliation is an integral SPA procedure all anti-cellulite programs. The skin becomes soft, supple, elastic, increases its resistance.

Salt peeling cleanses and polishes the skin. In natural essential aromatic oil type mineral sea salt or regular iodized salt. The procedure eliminates the tension in your body, stimulates skin circulation, the body feels energized. The skin becomes smooth, elastic. SPA program salt peeling consists of: sauna or steam room in which You spend 15 - 20 minutes. The body is warmed up, the pores open up, You are relaxed and ready for the second stage. The second step is the peeling with marine mineral or iodized salt. After these procedures, the body it is necessary to humidify a special lotion or cream.

Peeling with seaweed removes dead cells and deep impurities. This SPA exfoliation smoothes the surface of the skin, making it smooth and elastic. The skin is saturated with minerals, trace elements, vitamins.

Wrapping is one of the most famous and beloved women of procedures in the treatment of cellulite. Attractive wrap, primarily because almost immediately, within the first three days, leading to the reduction waist and hips, sometimes up to 2, 5 cm per day. Wraps are part of the procedures of many SPA packages. SPA wraps make a deep detoxification, reduce body fat, effectively fight cellulite.

But you should know that this effect wraps is not due to the destruction of fat, but due to the outflow of excess water from the tissues, which can add inches. Unfortunately, so easily lose water easily and is non-refundable. So wrap combined with other anti-cellulite treatments - muscle toning, massage, exercise, and proper nutrition.

Mechanism of action wraps are divided into hot and cold:

- hot wraps dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. During the procedure wraps through the open pores on the surface are toxins. The effect of heat is generated due to the increased circulation. Hot packs are very physiological, it is contraindicated only for varicose veins. But in this case will fit cold wrap;

- when cold wrap capillaries and vessels to constrict, and blood and lymph carry toxins and wastes in the internal cleansing organs. Especially cold wrap is recommended for edema, fatigue, heaviness in the legs, as well as rehabilitation after sclerosed veins. Cooling gel wraps with lemon extract improves skin tone and promote weight loss, with horse chestnut extract and menthol strengthen the walls of capillaries, promote lymphatic drainage.

You can combine hot wrap on areas of cellulite with a thick fatty layer and cold - on the parts of the body with loose skin to improve its tone. Unfortunately, there are situations in which any of the wraps is not recommended - gynecological diseases, cardiovascular and skin diseases, hypertension.

Before the procedure wraps the body necessarily cleared the scrub of sea salt with a dense, severe cellulite it increases blood circulation in the tissues, stimulates the removal of fat and water. Skin is deeply cleansed, to active substances acted quickly and deeply. The wrap can be preceded with a warming massage.

The number of wraps and the results depend on the degree of cellulite, age and source of tissues. After the course of 6-15 procedures wraps for 3-6 weeks, there will be a steady decrease, improvement of blood microcirculation, increase firmness and elasticity, and the alignment of skin topography.

The compositions, which are used for treatments, body wraps, as a rule, prepared on the basis of herbs and seafood:

wrapping with micronized algae (thalassotherapy) significantly reduce cellulite bumps, make the skin elastic and supple, saturate the body with all sorts of vitamins and minerals. Thalassotherapy is especially recommended for those suffering from various skin diseases. Thalasso therapy helps to improve the nervous and endocrine systems, which depend on the state as cleavage and accumulation of fats, get rid of excess fluid and fat accumulation in the body. Seafood in General have on the body tonic, strengthening the immune system action, give a burst of energy and improving mood. Therefore, seaweed wraps are one of the best.

- mud (pelotherapy) also have healing properties. They contain a huge amount of salts and minerals that not only allows you to fight cellulite, but also beneficial effects on blood circulation, nervous system, metabolism, strengthen and make elastic connective tissue, smooth skin. Mud can be mixed with algae, kaolin clay, pure essential oils of lemon and oregano, horse chestnut extract, or horsetail.

Anti-cellulite massage is the most popular and effective method of struggle against excess weight and cellulite, as well as the traditional way of modeling shapes. Anti-cellulite massage - body massage, aimed primarily at a comprehensive development of subcutaneous fat, ligaments and muscles. According to my own feelings cellulite massage more painful than usual. Its main function is to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue, which occurs due to loss of fat cells. Massage is focused exclusively on the layer of subcutaneous fat. With this purpose are special techniques that can be used to control the depth of the massage. The massage is performed only locally, in areas with a pronounced cosmetic defect. It is very important to improve the blood circulation it is in the massaged areas, since the primary in cellulite treatment is the restoration of microcirculation. Lymph draining effect of anti-cellulite massage increases circulation in problem areas that provide adequate outflow of lymph from the periphery to the center.

To fight cellulite is difficult, but possible and necessary. There are many anti-cellulite programs, which are built on the excretion of excess fluid from the body and ridding it of toxins. Many anti-cellulite SPA treatments include anti-stress SPA treatments. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, helps with insomnia, relaxes the muscles in the face and body. However, it should be understood that for a couple of sessions to get rid of cellulite is impossible. And do not forget that only a comprehensive approach will lead you to success! To complement cellulite is mesotherapy body. The method is effective at any stage of cellulite, as it implies a deep subcutaneous exposure.

As prophylaxis it is recommended to regularly use improves microcirculation gels and creams.

Source: Леди@Mail.Ru

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