Motto: Moisturize and protect skin without stimulating it and correcting minor problems
Yet old age is an abstract concept that few thinks. Although tested and proven that the work of skin cells slows down at this age. But don't despair: slow down - doesn't mean growing old. In his youth active cells is associated with the growth of the organism, and when this process stops, their activity is just normal. Theoretically in the next decade, the skin will be in better shape and will long to be in compliance with the basic rules of care.
Smoke without fire
Twenty years is useless to tell a horrible story. Needless to say, those who smoke, live 15 years less than that women who smoke have a much higher percentage of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies that wrinkles appear earlier circles under the eyes will be darker and so on, In this age, forget about it just a minute. Cigarette - dealing with stress during exams, the attribute of the parties, it clogs the hunger to resist that difficult. Most girls begin to smoke while still in school. But those who, Pomni to 20 years, will give up this silly habit, will be able to maintain the beauty, health and fertility. In General, in 10 years will say to yourself, thank you.
The code of laws
Clean the face. In the morning, forgetting about tap water, wash or distilled, or mineral (Evian, Vittel, and so on). In the evening, regardless of whether that put you makeup or not, clean the skin comfortable milk. If it seems sticky, too thick, or, conversely, easy - do not hesitate to change. If the tool bites the eyes, this means that its level of acidity is not for you. Hard to remove? Causes redness? Causes other problems? Give up immediately. It is better to put the milk twice, not leave for a long time on the face, do not RUB into the skin. And be sure to remove any excess lotion or thermal water.
Moisturise. This item is included in the code of laws of any celebrity. It is established that the skin of those who are starting from early youth to use moisturizer, age six (! ) times slower than those who did not want to bother to care. So the first lesson on cosmetics begins with a story about the importance of hydration for the skin. Because when its cells are not surrounded by the necessary amount of moisture, they can not work normally. Reduced self-defense, deteriorating metabolism, penetrate into the skin harmful components, leading to premature aging.
Use protective cream. Ignoring them, we tie up a "defense potential" of the skin, and for 40 years we have to pay for it. Nature was ordered so that our skin can neutralize only a certain amount of ultraviolet radiation. And its overabundance inexorably her age. The body takes every ray that touched our face and body, even on a cloudy cold day. Therefore, day cream with SPF is essential not only in summer but also in winter. And beach protection level should not fall below 15, and preferably 20.
After 25 there comes a time in a circle of friends seek out and jealously compare traces, which begins to leave on the skin. Although most often to identify the thin line is possible only with the help of a magnifying glass, they still are the cause of experiences. No need to change cardinally care in favor of anti-aging tools. Because these signs are only the precursors of facial wrinkles, usually located near the eyes and nasolabial folds. They are formed due to active facial, Smoking and the abuse of the sun. Often these changes are only temporary, and with the right approach with them is very easy to control. It is much easier to delay the appearance of wrinkles than to deal with already appeared.
To be in the form
As the bone system is built up to 25 years, pay more attention to running, aerobics, step and dance. These sports harmonize figure. And martial arts and kickboxing contribute to the increase in leg length. Avoid microtraumas and remember that not all running shoes are designed for sports: many fashion models should be used only for walking.
To maintain the shape of the breast will help special sports underwear. Particularly relevant these models for those who prefer to engage in active sports.
It is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back and legs - this will be useful during pregnancy and childbirth.
Personal menu
Due to the fact that after 20 years we finally have parents, starting an independent life, food takes a few chaotic. The consequence often indigestion, and sometimes weight. The other extreme - the passion of new diets, which the body does not need. To avoid this, buy a good book on nutrition and familiarize yourself with the main postulates in this area: the compatibility of products, their calorie content, composition, etc. if you can, Try to follow these tips. Good advice give Mireille Galliano in the book "Why French women don't get fat", Catherine Mirimanova in his "System of minus 60 and nutrition guru Michel Montignac in the work of "Secrets of a healthy diet".
Keep an eye on!
The skin on the eyelids and around the eyes is the most delicate and moving. It reflects everything: the sun, stress, overwork, lack of sleep. Watch her 20 years: it is in this area appear first lines.
- Please refrain from rough contact with the skin, do not RUB it, removing makeup. Protect eyes from bright light and do not go out in the sun without sunglasses.
Daily apply special creams. In the morning, to eliminate swelling, smooth and protect, and in the evening to relieve fatigue and hydration.
The eyes of the useful light massage. Pat eyelid towards the outer corners of the eyes, and then gently tap them with the fingertips to stimulate the circulation.
- Use masks to relieve stress, moisturize and smooth the skin.
- Do not apply the cream too close to the eyeball: it can clog the tear duct, causing swelling and pain.
- On the lower lashes mascara is better to make a short movements, only at the roots. This gives the openness of the eyes and looks natural.
It's worth taking note of, and first of all smokers: making regular tightening his lips into a tube, you bring the circular appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. And if you love to drink water through a straw, the risk of these premature signs of aging worse. However, beauticians claim that if generously morning and evening to feed lip cream or balm, wrinkles can be significantly delayed. Because cigarette smoke mercilessly dries the skin, and it needs extra protection and hydration. By the way, if you haven't got rid of juvenile eels, do not use red-pink shades of gloss or lipstick. They accentuate those flaws.
Beauty salon
If in 20 years the visits to the beautician random (skin cleansing, and so on), it's closer to 30, they become more regular. Ideally, you need 4 times a year to take courses of care for young skin, aimed at moisturizing, fortification and enhancing its "defensive ability". No serious massage or injections are not yet necessary. Although some beauticians recommend prophylactically to do Botox and mesotherapy, most experts recognize that these techniques had not yet come. Even if wrinkles appear deeper, usually after a good moisturizing course they completely disappear.
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