Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friendship in the workplace: the pros and cons

Friendship in the workplace: the pros and consRак experience shows, that you have to work, have friends, there are not only advantages but also disadvantages.

Advantages of friendship at work

1. A favorable atmosphere

We know how much depends on the atmosphere at work. One thing, when all around people that absolutely don't you cute. And another friend. To work running with joy, because even before the start of the day will have time to share all happy and sad events in his personal life.

It somehow reminds me of school days. I did not like school, but when the 7th year of teaching our class was disbanded profiles "mathematical" and "humanitarian" to my class got a wonderful girl Masha Kushka, with which we formed lasting friendships. Since school I have come to love so much more. What a pleasant steel joint trips to school (it turned out we lived in the same house, breaks and long return (we went in circles to go longer) home!

Undoubtedly, girlfriend brighten our lives, don't give to feel sad and discouraged.

2. Help and mutual assistance

Rare colleague will spend time to help you, if you have a lot of work and you just do not have time. But a real friend will help, because he knows that if necessary you also will not throw. In short, it's great when a man, through whom you can always count on.

3. Aware

Man alone, first of all, suffers from a lack of information. Earlier, in times of scarcity, best friend told you, which will give the sausage and tights. Now the situation has slightly changed. When our foster worked Anya, we knew where the warehouse will be selling wine (limited number of bottles) at cost, because the caretaker was her friend Light. Now, when Ani sits Olya, and the place Lights - Natasha, we know nothing and wine buy in the store in General terms without discount.

If you have a friend in accounting, you know, when the advance or salary. A friend of admissions will inform you when the boss goes to a meeting (and you with peace of mind will be able to run to the store or Barber shop).

4. Warn "danger"

If you are going the clouds, who but a friend will tell you about it? You will be able to "prepare" to attack, to consider how to respond to "bombing", and be able to create a decent alibi.

5. Organization "cover"

Girlfriend always will cover you if you, for example, be late to work or, on the contrary, "run away" before.

She went to the Committee on retail, without hesitation will meet a friend, even though he knows that you're doing a manicure before the upcoming meeting or collect your child from school of music (because the husband today couldn't).

Cons friendship at work

1. A lot of time spent on calls

Sometimes you notice that a lot of time actually spent on calls. This is particularly obvious if your salary depends on the work performed. If, for example, from the journalist all sociability" - friend, write it much less than if he worked in the office one. Thus, labour productivity and wages suffer while you have a girlfriend enjoy socializing.

2. Ambiguous assessment friendship leadership

By the way, the friendship in the team considered ambiguous and leadership. Head like when there are no squabbles and scandals, but the friendship he is also not welcomed. First, most managers believed that the office is not a club and go to work have only one purpose, namely to increase profitability and to continually improve the firm's image. Secondly, any friendship (and especially the breaks of 20 minutes) takes precious time. Thirdly, when subordinates are friends, they can unite against the head and cover each other. In this case, the boss will simply not aware of the many blunders and mistakes in the work, which will be carefully hide the joint efforts of friends. Heads periodically demonstrate their opposition to the friendship between colleagues, in particular, relocating them from one office to another (just like in school - not to speak of the lessons).

3. Quarrels are bad for efficiency

Even the most inseparable friends may have quarrels. You could not divide a man or to be self-centered in relation to each other. And if both of you are also stubborn (and not accustomed to concede), the quarrel may be delayed. Then go to work you don't want to. Performance declines, and the mood is "zero".

4. Secret weapon

God forbid you friend not to divide something. For example, to qualify for the same leadership position. The rivalry will result in termination of friendly relations, but also to the fact that all your punctures may become known to management.

5. The danger of exposure

And do not forget that the girlfriend knows not only about your business secrets, but also the details of your personal life. Of course, to reveal their "world" would be the height of meanness. But you somehow begin to fear. After all, in order, finding himself in the same company, "blurt out" your husband about what you're flirting (or even secretly meet with a colleague at work, a great effort to do so. But to ruin your personal life it can.

To friend or not to friend - that is the question. Of course, friendship. But remember that no one will keep your secrets better than you yourself. So don't tell everything, even best friends. And you will be much safer at work and at home, than even the dearest friend.


Tomovska M



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