Saturday, January 17, 2015

TOP 10 ways to put to bed kid

TOP 10 ways to put to bed kidSometimes a simple action - put to sleep your baby becomes a mission for this super-agent. Causes of violations of children's sleep can be a lot of physical discomfort (for example, when a sore tummy or teething), turning points in development (when the baby is about to go or speak). There are also more serious cases of pediatric insomnia, such as ICP - intracranial pressure.

So if your child has difficulty with sleep, it is strongly recommended to show it to the pediatrician and neurologist. If no serious reasons for concern, please use one of the proven ways. And then calm baby sleep will be your victory and reward.

Method No. 1 - motion sickness

One of the most popular ways to put to bed the child is cuddling the baby in her arms, in the sling, on the fitball, in the crib or cot. This method is ideal for younger kids, because it reminds them of the wonderful time staying in mom's tummy. Usually the kids fall asleep pretty quickly, because the next person, the child feels the heat and the beating of her heart, and dimensional rocking configures it to sleep.

Serious drawback of the method - you must have an angelic patience, because to lull a baby needs up to deep sleep, when the facial muscles are relaxed, and arms and legs hang limp. Slightly pumped or nedokazala and start again: children's sleep we can only dream of. Not be amiss, and initial fitness moms and babies grow quickly.

Method No. 2 - fall asleep at the breast

If your kid is among the lucky ones who are breastfeeding, you probably noticed that he often falls asleep during the meal. The bottle with the mixture works slightly worse, but still effective: calm children's sleep is assured.

Minus one - the same as when motion sickness: when taking chest and shifting in the crib kids are awake. Moreover, the older the baby becomes, the harder it is to put to bed the child using this method.

Method No. 3 - joint dream

Many moms still practiced joint dream with your child. It's like trying to bring to perfection the previous two methods, it does not need to take the breast and put the baby in the crib. Feeling the familiar smell, the child quietly falls asleep, and the mother does not have to get up several times to feed the baby.

It seems that this method is ideal. However, this is not the case, and it's not even in the famous horror story about what can "sleep baby" that is crushing. Often offended remains the father of the family: he is banished to a separate bed, and my mother is not very convenient to sleep, because any attempt to overturn the child wakes up. However, each family decides what temporary difficulties it is better to live; sometimes it is better to put to bed the baby with him, than every time to Wake up and run to the crib.

Method # 4 - sequence

This is the most effective way to lay a sleeping baby, and the key word here, as you may have guessed, sequence. Every day you must stick to the same action prior to sleep. For example, to bathe, feed, and then put the baby must be strictly at the same time: children's sleep, is also difficult to schedule. Only by following these steps every day, without breaks and days off, it is possible to achieve a stable result.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of this method too: in our hectic lives it is not always possible to follow the schedule, and the results have to wait at least a couple of months.

Way # 5 - service

No, don't be scared, it is not necessary to put under the ear crumbs routine service: it will be useful to you if you decided to extend the sleep time little man. If you keep a diary of the child's sleep, you will soon notice that he wakes up at the same time. The pipsqueak has developed their habits, even if they can hardly be called good.

The situation may be improved, although no promises 100% result. Finding out what is waking up your fidget, be it in exactly half an hour before that time. Breaking thus established routines, gradually increase the intervals between revivals to achieve the desired result.

This method is hardly fast as the previous, besides, it was quite painful for both parties. Child otvyknut to Wake up at the same time, can start to do it randomly, and then have to adjust the whole system to sleep again. And then put to sleep their child will be hard.

Way # 6 - for persistent moms

Before you start to use this method, be patient and Valerian: here, as ever, will need your peace. Nervous and impatient mums this method is strictly contraindicated. The main "training" falls on the day, but at night to relax, not to work.

So, wait until the child starts to show signs of sleep: rubbing eyes, yawning and capricious. If before that he played and was excited to quiet him, but in no case do not download and do not feed. Then put baby in the crib and stand around, trying to prevent tears. You can hum a lullaby, gently shake the crib, but not to meet his eyes, or to take arms. If after 15 minutes, the baby fell asleep again, and the tears turned into a real tantrum, take him in my arms, soothe and not allowing them to sleep on his hands, put him back in the crib.

If the baby whimpers quietly or lying quiet, but awake, stand around and wait for a full sleep. The laying period should last no more than 45 minutes a day and no more than an hour at night. Sounds scary, huh? Starting to use this method, it is important not to throw it in the middle. "Treatment" - for about a month. But children dream of it?

Way # 7 - sleep alone

Beginning the same as in method No. 6: catch the first signs of falling asleep and paralogy child in bed. As soon as the baby will calm down, come out of the room. Most likely, you will immediately hear a frustrated cry. You should not rush on the first call, wait three minutes, if the kid is filled with no more than one minute. Then go back into the room and try to calm the child. Hands on baby take it only if he cries excitedly more than three minutes. As soon as he calms down, again carry cot and slowly go out of a room. The baby fell asleep and crying? Go back and uspokaival child again. The total time of placing shall not exceed 45 minutes.

After 5-6 days, you will see results, but patience and Valerian still be: the way to correct children's sleep difficult. And no need to reproach yourself for excessive severity: generating mode, you act for the sake of the baby. Be careful to put the child to sleep using methods 5, 6 and 7 can not before he turns 5 months.

Way No. 8 - a warm bath

As a rule, works perfectly warm bath with the addition of soothing herbal infusion. Look how it behaves after water treatment your child: some bath is stimulating. If your child, fortunately, belongs to the same group that starts to RUB eyes after swimming in warm water and quickly falls asleep, it's great. The case for small - to feed the baby and put to sleep in the crib.

As an additive to the bath can also use an infusion series - not only does it relieve inflammation on the skin, if they are, but will also soothe the baby. Be careful with Valerian: pediatricians say children under one year it is contraindicated, because it gives the opposite effect.

Way # 9 - white noise

Small children well fall asleep to the monotonous sounds like the hum of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or radio hiss, the sound of water or a lullaby without words.

Find the right music or the sound you need and use it every time after you put the baby to bed. Only the sound should be loud, so as not to interrupt the children's sleep and not to Wake the sleeping baby.

Way No. 10 - a cozy nest

This method is very effective for very young children: to put to sleep the baby is very, very simple. All you need is to make of the life or blanket like a cocoon.

Baby zapalenie or just private handle, so they do not interfere with the crumbs to fall asleep. The main thing here is that the blanket was not too close to the nose of the baby, so the baby does not choke during sleep. Typically, newborns are not used to a large space, it frightens them: what then sleep? And blankets woven from the cocoons will remind the child of a carefree time in my mother's tummy. Good night and happy dreams!

The child does not sleep at night? How to help him?


Woman Journal

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