Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Female head: specific problems

Female head: specific problemsA female head. By itself the status of a Manager involves, on the one hand, a privileged position in the team, and on the other hand entails increased responsibility and a lot of problems. To the standard problems associated with steering position, for women-chief of the added problems associated with belonging to the female gender. And nothing can be done - will have these problems seriously to consider, otherwise they can become a serious hindrance to the work.

Even in Soviet times, the trend of women's professional leadership was seen as something unnatural about women leaders even films were made, look, she did it and she, not surprisingly succeeded ("Old walls", "Moscow does not believe in tears" and t. d.). At the end of the last century it was found that indeed, there are two floor leaders - male and female. It turns out that there is such concept - businesswoman, businesswomen, lady boss, or in other words - woman-head. But it also became clear that the leadership style of women is fundamentally different from the leadership style of men, and in addition to outstanding women chiefs have enough examples of failed female leadership. And not always it is due to lack of professional expertise or business acumen women - head. There are a number of specific problems that arise in the case when the leader is a woman.

To avoid contradictions arising between the status of women, and as such women in a managerial position, the female leader, you must be prepared to solve problems that arise because of differences by gender. And this will have to accept, because that is not talked about equality of the sexes, but so traditionally it is accepted that the principal should be the man.

Let's try to sort it out - where did you experience problems when the team comes a new head and it turns out that he is a woman.

Perhaps, initially, all laid in our perception and view of the role of women in society. Since the middle ages a popular stereotype that a woman is being ephemeral, air, designed by his presence to decorate the castle of the knights. And on the home cannot nowhere to release. It turns out the husband to the war, commanding troops, and the wife at this time is to raise children and to protect the hearth. While completely forgotten that the economy in such a "commander" huge and often consisting of many castles. And it must have remarkable ingenuity and willpower for a successful combination of parenting and management of a huge farm.

Yes, and the education of girls is not conducive to developing them so necessary for team management qualities. Boys love to play on the street in large groups with a pronounced desire to win every game, to become a leader, whether it be football or "war", Quach or Bicycle racing. And in these games the boys produced the stereotype of the winner, the desire to be a commander, to always be the first and best - those qualities that are so necessary for successful leadership. Girls play in small groups. And in these groups do not openly fight for their status, they tend simply to please others. And it turns out that the girl is much more important to be just more beautiful than others, and not to occupy a leading position in the usual sense of the word. In such groups the girls seek to allocate responsibility for the decision between all. Here and produced their confidence in themselves and their actions.

Another problem is as soon as the woman occupies a managerial position from the start to expect that the work will be done much better than the head-men. If the man is the head give so-called to contemplate and study the weak and strong points led the team, it is often a woman of that time-out has not. And if you consider attention from senior management, such head - just not envy!

There is an opinion that the head should always be calm and reasonable. It also laid the bomb, because men are taught from childhood to meet these criteria, and the woman, with her, often, increased emotionality, much harder not to cry, for example, the roughness of an angry customer. And she, like a real woman, such coarseness will survive in the shower for quite a long time and for a long time may lose the ability to address emerging in front of her operational issues. The man is the head often able to immediately switch your attention from one problem to the other, without long-term emotional storms.

Further, we should mention another important aspect for female leaders. It is a matter of procreation. And if the men often goes largely unnoticed, no matter how hard the woman effectively combine leadership with motherhood, work is still in a period overshadowed. And as a consequence the woman has to make his choice between work and child birth.

It should be noted and important feature that accompanies the appointment of women to leadership positions is the emergence of rumors about a relationship with their superiors or the powerful.

And you must remember that men often feel uncomfortable when communicating with the head-woman. They are doing it themselves unnatural and challenging, which is often perceived by the woman as disrespect to her persona. For example, more than half of the men at the polls say that working under the guidance of women, they feel their inferiority and the guiding role of women oppressing them. They sincerely believe that a woman gets a promotion only by intrigue, and sufficient professional qualifications, it has no. Against the backdrop of such rejection and begin to arise conflicts between female boss and her subordinate, which are expressed in the tests on the strength of" it professional in the first place, and human qualities. Especially often such conflicts arise in groups, which was previously headed by a strong leader-man. And often comes to covert sabotage.

Note and specific characteristics for the countries of the former USSR. It attempts to subordinate creatures with the heads of the "friendly relations" in the hope to get more benefits and privileges. Here, too, we have to balance on the knife edge. If this does not work - it is easy to get the brand ruthless employer, and if such relationships will lead to concessions in relation to preferred subordinates will find unscrupulous.

Perhaps there are other issues that we have not paid attention. Each team has its own complexities and pitfalls. But if the woman accepted the offer to lead the group - it must be prepared not only for the additional responsibility for the end result of their work, and for dealing with specific problems that arise because of its belonging to such a strong "weaker sex". And, we are confident that if a female leader will be prepared to overcome them - it will be armed and will gradually acquire the authority, necessary for the effective management entrusted to her team.

In the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears" Kate Tikhomirov on the question what she wanted in life - said that as time only and will achieve (in the sense of the word "only" - the head of a large company) - anything else and don't want! So, dear women, let's strive for more! And You will succeed!


Legum And.


Women's world

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