Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why do we eat chocolate? 4 facts about chocolate Recipe hot chocolate.

Four facts about chocolate

+ recipe

Why do we eat chocolate? 4 facts about chocolate Recipe hot chocolate.


It is known that, once in the human body cocoa butter, releases the hormone endorphin which gives pleasure, thanks to this hormone, the person experiences a feeling of happiness. According to the researches of the American scientists pleasure from chocolate, corresponds to that feeling, experiencing love while kissing.


Chocolate is credited with aphrodisiac properties, this is due to the chemicals contained in chocolate.


Cocoa beans contain magnesium, which increases the resistance of the person to stress, improves memory, immunity and nervous system. If you eat per day 40 grams of dark chocolate, it can normalize blood pressure and strengthen the heart vessels, reduce cholesterol, and is a real prevention of atherosclerosis. Chocolate contains vitamins PP, B1, B2, minerals - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. More recently, British scientists have found that chocolate helps with the cough.

Additionally, chocolate is high in calories and 100 grams of milk chocolate contains 400 calories, half the fat. With reasonable use, it helps to avoid blockage of the coronary vessels, as well as effects on the cardiovascular system of a person.


For five days the chocolate diet you will be able to get rid of 3 to 6 kg of This type of diet may require a lot of willpower. In the day you eat from 80 to 100 grams of dark chocolate, washed down with black coffee without sugar, the chocolate should you eat "Bitter Elite 72%". Immediately after the chocolate does not want to eat, and coffee will be a good influence on metabolism.

Start the morning with hot chocolate!

Why do we eat chocolate? 4 facts about chocolate Recipe hot chocolate.

1 bar of black chocolate
100 g of water or milk;

sugar to taste

cinnamon and vanilla to taste

Melt chocolate in water on low heat or in the microwave, carefully stirring until dissolved.

Add sugar to taste and spices. It turns out thick, sticky and fragrant hot chocolate.

Serve hot with toasted almonds.

Recipe from



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