Saturday, January 17, 2015

Stress interview: to survive and to win

Stress interview: to survive and to winWhen in early childhood I refused to eat porridge, parents frightened me dog Polkan that takes away naughty children. When capricious on the street - uncle policeman.

Judging by the number of horror stories about stressful interview, passed from mouth to mouth, soon "evil Achar" will become as popular hero of children's horror stories, such as the gray wolf.

However, on closer examination it appears that the devil is not so black as he is painted. More precisely, under stressful interview sometimes mean very different styles of interviewing. If in some cases the only thing you can do is to flee from interviewers as far as possible and as quickly as possible, in other hard interview can pass, it is necessary and even not too difficult if you need to be prepared for surprises.

Beyond good and evil

If the interview:

- any way to invade your personal bodily space (touch, sit too close to you, someone gets behind you, not to mention the textbook vypleskivaya water in the face, smoke, without asking your permission);

- put you in awkward, uncomfortable situation (keep waiting, don't offer to sit down, do not show where you can hang your coat, put on an uncomfortable chair, while they themselves are comfortable soft Seating, order from the Secretary of tea, and you defiantly do not suggest that distracted during an interview on long conversations on the phone, which can clearly wait);

- any way violate the common rules of politeness (raise voice, rude, "poke", is accused of lying);

- touch your appearance and manners (offer to change the skirt shorter or longer, criticized hair and complexion, and so forth);

- ask tactless questions about your personal life (why not married, why divorced previous husbands, why not children and are not planning to give birth) or allow myself dirty hints, and evaluate your moral character ("lonely woman, Yes, and you say, you dog, dog, dog? as it spicy! ");

- require you to disclose personal information not related to your work experience and professional qualifications (where is your husband, good children, what are your relations with parents, is not listed if your debt on a Bank loan, what is your religion);

- insist on conducting medical, psychological, substance abuse, or IQ test, and you know exactly what the specifics of the proposed work, such excess is not required.

Immediately turn around and go away!

It would be better to raise as much noise as possible: among my friends, the Internet, in the professional community, if possible, and in the media, describing perpetrated the outrage. You, first, do a good deed, sparing others from repeating your sorrowful path. Secondly, I will punish the presumptuous employer: if decent people there to work, not go, it will be worse for him only.

Do not suffer the humiliation of politeness or shyness. Practice shows that psychological trauma (this applies not only to stress interview, but also to any grievances) gorshe outlive those who for some reason silently swallowed rudeness and gave insolent "symmetric response". If the problem has gone very far, feel free to send interviewers to the devil, or something of the mother, that is, in plain text.

Because you have nothing to lose. You, of course, is not going to work in a company where people do not recognize such a "trifle" as human dignity?

By the way, if humiliating you have put a representative of the company as a potential employer, and employee recruitment Agency, do not be lazy to write to the employer: it may be that they are honest people who have no idea what their reputation doing evil Headhunter.

You have the nose you on the ear

Fortunately, stress interviews are less similar to the ritual of "night and day" newcomer in a prison cell. Whether interviewers understood the futility of this exercise, whether the candidate has ceased to allow himself to be lowered, but now experts on the staff, even when talking with the applicant strictly prefer to stay within the boundaries. In this framework, they can, for example:

- "chasing" you CV, setting a fast pace questions about the causes or too low frequent changes of jobs, excessively fast or suspiciously slow pace of career growth, sudden "zigzags", such as a radical change in the scope or break in seniority;

- to offer "on the spot" to perform a test task, watching the process of your work (tip: if this is a creative task such as writing press release, ask them to leave you alone, do not hesitate to say that anyone not nice when you look "under the hand");

- to ask inconvenient questions about career ambitions, about how much you intend to work at the new location, if it will get about your opinion on the strategic goals of the company with which you are not very familiar, or what benefits do you personally plan to bring the company to, say, six months;

- try to "knock" you with the standard of compensation to which you are applying, by reference to market conditions or non-compliance with the expectations of your real price (by the way, are you sure that your requirements are really not overpriced? ).

These difficulties be overcome easily if in advance to spread the straw." Be ready that will treat you with suspicion. Consider the answers to tough questions, rehearse explanation of what you can find fault, ask someone from the family to play with you in the "questioning".

If you still have a question you can't answer - it's best to say than to morosity something stupid. It may be that "I don't know" is just the only correct answer, and the question specifically asked calculated to provoke you to stupidity.

Don't try to be holier than the Pope" and show themselves altruistic, concerned only good company and willing to work on it is good 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and standing on your head - you still will not believe.

In short, your best friends for the passage of a stressful interview - confidence, willingness to difficulties, honesty and dignity.

Under the protection of the law

"No one may be restricted in the employment rights and freedoms or to receive any benefits regardless of sex, race, colour, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, political belief, membership or non-membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to business qualities of the worker".





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