Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to find out the results of the interview in advance?

How to find out the results of the interview in advance? Just to know, have you completed the interview, you will be able only when you will officially announce the result. Not to worry guessing, remember how the interview took place and, following our advice, try to determine in advance, whether you work or not.

A lively dialogue

If during the interview you are able to communicate, then, you are there! When the interview turns into a monologue is your first, then the employer is a bad sign. If the conversation were built in the form of a dialogue, in any form - the employer did not ask standard questions, but ye answered not formulaic phrases, the interview was a success.

If the interview lasted 40 minutes or more, then you are interested in.

Comparison with the ideal candidate

Every employer knows which candidate he would like to see the vacant place. As a rule, during the interview, the Manager tells in detail what are the qualities of the applicant that should be able to know. If you notice that the employer involuntarily draws Parallels between you and an imaginary ideal employee, then your chances of getting a position high. Also remember, did you during the interview a positive assessment of that as well.

The behavior of the employer

Remember how during the interview behaved employer. If he was actively respond to your responses, were included in the conversation, nodding in agreement and additional questions were asked, it was obviously you interested. If the HR Manager made it clear that his time is limited glanced at the clock or demonstratively shut his notebook and putting it on the edge of the table, in all probability, he did not show you the proper interest.

The duration of interviews

Opinion about the candidate, usually develops during the first 10 minutes, the rest of AICAR analyzes whether you are suitable candidate for the vacant position. If the interview lasted less than half an hour, it indicates that you will likely not come. If the conversation lasted for 40 minutes or more, then you are interested in.

Familiarity with colleagues

If the employer sees you after the interview other employees of the company, this is an obvious sign that you are likely to occupy the vacant position.



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