Thursday, January 15, 2015

Seven truths about weight loss

Seven truths about weight loss

Women's Magazine will tell you about the simple truths of weight loss that will help you to improve your appearance in order to normalize food.

1. Eat after six!

Meal time doesn't affect your figure, most importantly, what you eat, in what quantities, and what do you do after! Eating pasta Bolognese" and went on the couch to watch the next portion of the series, do not expect that you will lose weight. But if you replace a delicious meat sauce on no less tasty vegetable and serials - for a walk, then losing those extra pounds will not be long to wait. Well, at least you will not gain weight.

2. There are no "bad" calories

For a long time among slimming rumors about the existence of products that help to lose weight due to the fact that the body burns a large portion of calories during digestion. Now, forget everything! The number of calories burned by the body during digestion, is negligible compared to the obtained amount of calories.

3. "Liquid calories" important

While counting calories obtained from food, do not forget about the beverages consumed during the day. Coffee, soda, tea with sugar and "Margarita" in the evening - all of this "liquid calories", which are deposited on our hips and waist. Want to lose weight? Drink water without gas and lemon green tea without sugar. Not tasty, but it is useful.

4. Tell desserts "Yes! "

If you decide to go on a diet, do not suffer from the desire to eat something sweet. Once a week is allowed to treat yourself to a cake, cake or a delicious high-calorie dessert in the first half of the day.

5. Diet drinks do not help to lose weight

You got hooked on diet drinks, but wonder why the weight does not go away? Artificial sweeteners and the bubbles are not in your favor - the added weight despite all your efforts. Go on a lightly carbonated mineral water or still does.

6. Winter weight goes willingly

In order to keep warm, our body requires more calories and energy, resulting in weight loss.

7. Diets work!

Do not believe those who say that diets don't work. All you need is the right choice of your diet and normalize metabolism. You can, of course, to rely on advice from books and the world wide web, but it is better to consult a specialist with medical education. Only a nutritionist, assessing your health status and individual characteristics of the organism will be able to find you a suitable diet.


Women's Magazine

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