Saturday, January 17, 2015

Myths about the hangover: what you need to know each

Myths about the hangover: what you need to know eachTo limit yourself to food and drink in the new year's eve we usually don. Therefore, the most relevant on the eve of the question: how to avoid a hangover in the first day of the new year?

- The main thing is to pohmelitsy correctly, " explains Vladimir Desired, D. M. H., Professor, chief research associate of the scientific-practical center of narcology. - And not to buy into the myths about alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which only exacerbate the already serious condition.

Myth 1. If you drink alcoholic beverages fresh juice, the likelihood of a hangover will be reduced

- Fresh juice is better for pohmelitsy, and not to drink alcohol. The main problem with withdrawal syndrome, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance. Fresh juice solves all three of these problems. The most useful juice for hangovers - Apple. Most carbohydrates in it presents fructose, which successfully combats unpleasant metabolic processes in the body.

Myth 2. The liquid is drunk after a stormy night, you need to dose; otherwise, the wine will be resumed with renewed vigor

- Dosing have drinks containing alcohol. When the hangover syndrome it is better not to drink. If you decided to pohmelitsy - do not drink more than one glass. Other drinks you need to drink more. To cope with dehydration of the body can only loading dose of fluid.

Myth 3. Having at hand the cure for a hangover, you can drink safely. In the morning we will take - and as a cucumber

- Proceeds from the hangover will help to get rid of only mild withdrawal syndrome. But the harm is capable of. Most consist of aspirin, ascorbic acids with various additives, for example with caffeine. Products containing aspirin, ulcers, and gastritis may cause exacerbation of the disease.

Myth 4. A surefire way to avoid a hangover is to sober up before I go to bed

- The hangover best to survive in a dream. Ethyl alcohol formed in the blood when drunk, has marcopolonian action and masks unpleasant processes occurring in the body. As soon as the alcohol ceases to act, a person experiences increased heartbeat, headache, sweating, aversion to food, etc. So after a wild night out rather go to bed and sleep as long as possible.


Arguments and facts

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