Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mesodissolution - non-surgical liposuction

Mesodissolution - non-surgical liposuctionMesodissolution is a great alternative to surgical intervention for those who wish to get rid of localized fat deposits. Clinic aesthetic may be treated in addition to this service, offering a wide range of up to tattoo removal is painless, laser.This procedure is also very effective in the fight against cellulite. The method is based on injecting Hypo osmotic swelling, Giraud destructive cocktail in the problem area: abdomen, hips, buttocks.

The treatment is the process of osmosis: water from salted cocktail sucked in fat cells, where the salt concentration is higher, thus destroying it. The total volume of injected cocktail does not exceed 20 ml of the Drug is injected at a depth of 13 mm are little painful Procedure and is carried out without anesthesia.

After the destruction of fat cells breakdown products are excreted into the bloodstream, so the final stage of methodically must be such lymphatic drainage treatments, massage (manual or hardware), Endermologie, various ultrasonic treatments, wraps and other Combined procedures methodically, lymphatic drainage allows you to achieve the best effect.

The number of sessions methodically directly depends on the amount of fat and the susceptibility of the patient to the constituents of the drug: in one case it is enough for 2-3 sessions, and the other will need about 10. The number of treatments is tailored individually for each client. The sessions are held no more than twice a week.

After the procedure the following possible side effects: dizziness, nausea, and General malaise associated with rapid elimination of fat cells.

Weight correction after methodically persists for several years, provided the requirements of a doctor about diet and exercise.

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