Saturday, January 17, 2015

Intimate relativity

Intimate relativitySometimes we may feel that we know about the person absolutely everything. But if you look more closely - and we will open the innermost parts of his soul: his secrets, fears, suffering...

... Outside of literary fiction is a world without boundaries, a world of truth. Tell us about this truthful people in true stories, and at times it becomes so improbable that close to the limits of the invention. No need to come up with convoluted plots and combine them into a coherent whole. Enough to listen, to observe, to admire, to excite the reader, to make him think or, horrified, to believe. In this book, all the stories are true...

Janusz Leon Wisniewski (Polska. Janusz Leon Wiśniewski, born. August 18, 1954, toruń is one of the most popular writers of modern Poland. He was a sailor of the fishing fleet, then graduated from the University, received a doctorate in computer science and doctor of chemical Sciences. Lives in Frankfurt am main, interested in molecular biology.

He made his debut in literature novel "loneliness in the Net" (Polska. S@motność w Sieci) - history virtual love, became a reality. Book three was not released from the bestseller lists (only in Poland, sold over 300 thousand copies), it has gone through many reprints, including, with additions on the results of discussions with readers on the Internet forums. The book was filmed in Poland in 2006, and in the film adaptation of one of the bit parts played himself Vishnevsky.

All his works are based on real events. The main thing for Vishnevsky in the works is the emotions of the characters. Special attention he pays to be sad.

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