Some were extremely dangerous. The famous Roman poet lukretsiy died from these "love drink". Part of the recipe was based on magic. It is not surprising that modern medicine in one fell swoop threw all statements about the existing relationship between power and sexual power.
Asians always viewed sex as an art that you should study, understand and improve. The greatest writers, historians and doctors, as history shows Asia, were absorbed erotic themes and search for aphrodisiacs. Ancient literature also confirms this.
Of all the countries of the East, perhaps the most deeply realized sex India. In the Indian works Kama - love pleasure is the greatest virtue and the source of joy in life. Most Hindus are vegetarians, their food naturally contains aphrodisiacs that are included in products of plant origin.
Hindus believe that the woman is an equal partner in the sexual act: the success of males depends on the cooperation and skills of partner. Indian women learn the complex art of cooking with aphrodisiacs that increase female libido and can help men reach their sexual peak power. The emphasis is on abundant herbs and spices. In many Indian recipes include garlic, onions, leeks and beans - is that they have a special value as aphrodisiacs. With special respect in India belong to garlic.
In Japan and China kitchen with the use of aphrodisiacs has been very common throughout history, but the recipes were rarely opened, usually they were shrouded in mystery and has been passed from generation to generation.
One of the most famous and most powerful Chinese aphrodisiac soup bird's nest. It is made of the nest terns. The secret of this influence is revealed simply: terns make their nests of seaweed that glue the fish ROE. Seaweed, and it is not in doubt are the most remarkable products: they contain a storehouse of minerals and, first and foremost, iodine, essential for the healthy functioning of the endocrine glands, which are responsible for sexual health. In addition, in China and Japan are two popular aphrodisiac ginger and ginseng, which has stood the test of time and have been used for many thousands of years.
Ancient recipes of love drinks, as well as aphrodisiacs, strangely similar to the texts of modern textbooks on healthy nutrition. Honey, milk, eggs, seafood, seaweed, walnuts, sesame seeds, onions and garlic - all these are highly appreciated by modern dietetics. That science was a joke a few decades ago, now supported by the latest research.
Conventional medicine will never agree that any one product or one nutrient can in a mysterious way to restore potency, but she will agree that a healthy diet can have a beneficial effect on the sexual force. It may well be that the secret recipes used in ancient times and who for countless generations passed from father to son, from mother to daughter, are not as miraculous in restoring libido, as described in the writings of ancient authors. Most of them, however, benefit health in General and sexual health in particular.
Milk (especially goat) contains protein of the highest quality known to man. It is better absorbed and more effectively used by the body compared to all other forms of protein. For healthy functioning of the endocrine and reproductive glands necessary for such protein.
In egg yolk contains a huge amount of lecithin, vital substances required for maximal activity of the sex glands.
Seeds of sesame it was found a high content of minerals, protein, lecithin, vitamins - all of them vital for the healthy functioning of the reproductive system.
Honey is the richest source of aspartic acid, which modern doctors use to treat frigidity in women. In addition, honey sugar already digested, so it is quickly absorbed.
Oysters, walnuts and pumpkin seeds is a rich source of zinc, which has been clinically proven necessary for the healthy functioning of the sexual glands.
Modern science does not want to discuss aphrodisiacs. Science does not believe that healthy sexual activity may be necessary artificial stimulation. But it is quite another thing when it comes to the feeding of the necessary nutrients gonads, which in turn helps to achieve their maximum their healthy functioning.
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