Sunday, January 18, 2015

A lot of meat in the diet leads to cancer

A lot of meat in the diet leads to cancerNutritionists are not against meat, because it is an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, the meat consumed in too large quantities, greatly increases the risk of development of malignant tumors.

If you occasionally indulge in a serving of steak, health problems should not be. Even the most zealous advocates of a healthy lifestyle and natural products believe that abstaining from meat is extremely dangerous, especially for children and pregnant women. In products of animal origin contains unique vital amino acids and vitamins B12 and D. the Lack of meat in the diet of children leads to carbohydrate metabolism disorders and obesity, anemia, rickets. In adults, the deficiency of essential amino acids leads to a decrease in muscle mass, bone fragility, decline in sexual activity. However, the doctors insist that the consumption of too much meat on less dangerous.

Today, along with alcoholism, Smoking, and eating meat are the main cause of mortality in Western Europe, USA, Australia and other developed countries of the world. And research of the last twenty years clearly show the existence of a relationship between eating meat and cancer of the colon and rectum, breast and uterus. Red meat contains substances, one of its component colors red meat and becomes a strong carcinogen, damaging the tissue of internal organs.

But first of all you should avoid consumption of sausages and other processed foods, as they are most associated with the development of cancer. It is believed that in the preparation of processed meat products - sausages, rolls, ham - product accumulate carcinogenic substances, which damage cells and encourage the growth of malignant tumors, according to Zdravoe.

But how much meat can be eaten without harm for health?

The scientific Committee on food in the UK recommends that there is no more than 90 grams of red meat or meat products daily, but try to limit even fewer. More than three slices of ham, one slice of mutton or two slices of pork a day is harmful to health, experts say. On average, to reduce the risk of colon cancer experts recommend eating no more than 70 grams of meat products per day: it's about 500 grams per week cooked and 700-750 in cheese.

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