We will tell you how to get rid of cellulite the fastest and most effective ways. Some of them you can apply at home, and some only in the beauty salon, or even the clinic. Choose the best method of fighting cellulite, but it is better to use all of the 5 - in war all means are good! The enemy will retreat, you'll see!
Salt baths cellulite
This is probably the most enjoyable of the most effective ways to combat cellulite. Multiple studies have found that the best way to "orange peel" cope sea salt.
One tub you will need a kilo of salt, but it's worth it. Can also add in the water a few drops of essential oil (preferably citrus) and pour half a liter of green tea (a natural antioxidant) or milk (get luxurious Cleopatra bath).
Before taking anti-cellulite bath shower is to immerse yourself in this "salt luxury" need a clean. During the soul do anti-cellulite massage is a special massage brush or simply scrub. So fat tissue heats up, and the effect of the bath will double.
The bath lasts 15 minutes. After the procedure, take a shower to wash off the salt and namasa anti-cellulite cream.
The course duration is 10 baths, which should be taken through the day.
Wraps cellulite
Practice shows that if the wrapping procedure is performed correctly - it does not matter in salon or home, for one session, you can say goodbye to one inch of extra volume.
Due to the wrapping of the body displayed a large amount of fluid and decrease the size of problem areas and cellulite disappears.
Wraps are hot and cold. The first is more conducive to weight loss, the second best tone the skin. To get results, you need to have a course of 10-12 treatments, once or twice a day.
To do it at home, you will need a wide food film (30 cm), body scrub and plaid. And another part that you will impose on the body: cosmetic store you can buy ready-made tool, but you can make your own based on clay, algae, thermogas and mixtures with paraffin - all is sold in pharmacies, labels written methods of cooking.
First razora and cleanse the skin with a scrub. Then a thick layer distribution on the surface of the body of your vehicle and wrap film. Tight to pull it is not necessary, in order not to impede the flow. Turn the blanket and lay 40 minutes. After that wash a lot and namasa anti-cellulite cream.
Bear in mind that wraps contraindicated for those suffering from varicose veins, heart disease, kidney and blood vessels.
Massage cellulite
The best way to do the massage in a salon environment, professional. Each specialist has its own methods, but all have one goal - "Wake up" the bloated fat muscle to accelerate in their metabolism.
Home massage is less effective in the fight against cellulite, but it is still better than nothing. Every morning before Breakfast for 30 minutes resmini problem areas with ...spoons! Pre-apply on clean body essential oil. Get a spoon circles clockwise. It is better to do massage two tablespoons of performing symmetric movements on both legs. By the way, the spoon must be cooled - and put them in the refrigerator several pieces and change during the procedure.
The course can last indefinitely - massage against cellulite has no negative effects on the body.
Ultrasonic lymphatic drainage cellulite
Using ultrasonic lymphatic drainage (the procedure can be performed only in the cabin) softens the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the problem area that contributes to a more active movement of lymph, eliminate toxins and, accordingly, increase in the area of metabolism. The type of drainage pressotherapy (another name for PNEVMATIKA) - is based on using a special suit, which suck the air. Due to this creates increased pressure on problem areas. Excess fluid and part of the fat cells are allocated out - and tissue become more elastic and toned. Cellulite retreats!
Mesotherapy cellulite
Mesotherapy is more clinical procedure than in the salon. And it is in any case not home. During this procedure, the area of cellulite obclavate special drugs that affect the cleavage and synthesis of fat, blood and lymph.
Drugs are different - medication or homeopathic. What to use to fight cellulite, in each case individually chosen by the doctor. Medicines, first of all, very effective, and secondly, for a long time remain in the skin and the process of getting rid of cellulite stretch for a few days.
One procedure is done every 7-10 days, for maximum effect you need to make 10 treatments. But after the second you will notice the changes.
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