Fungal infection can be treated only in complex therapy. When you use drugs you need additional intervention folk medicine.
One of the most unpleasant diseases is nail fungus.
The thing is that this type of fungus can be treated very difficult, the recovery is very slow, there is a high likelihood that the disease after visible improvement will come back again. With all this, many people, desperate to be healed by medicines, turning their attention to folk remedies from nail fungus, which, as it may seem strange to some gnarled skeptics, can be very effective. Describe some of the popular recipes that maybe someone will help in healing.
Recipe 1.
Take the vinegar, but not the essence, and to prepare on the basis of a weak solution, to which a tablespoon of vinegar should be mixed with water in the amount of one glass. If the skin on the feet is particularly rude (usually men), it is possible to prepare a solution a little stronger. Before the procedure, you must unpair feet, holding them in a basin of hot water for several minutes, then remove obsolete epithelium scissors. Prepared acetic acid solution to pour into the tub, diluting, and to wipe them with the skin between the toes. This procedure is repeated every other day for two weeks (thus, it turns out seven cleansing procedures) and the course can be completed.
Despite the fact that most fungal diseases are healed not too difficult, if the fungus has hit the nail - it's hard fixable problem. However, folk remedies that exist that can help quickly and effectively. You should be patient and quietly move towards your goal.
Recipe 2.
Following the course lasts for twenty days (and nights). To do this in the mornings and the evenings on those nails that are affected by the fungus, you should apply iodine (one drop! ). Iodine should be 5 percent.If other nails look not affected by fungus, prevention also need to handle them, but you rarely, once in two days. If after about a week after the beginning of application of this tool appeared burning and sensation of soreness in the area of diseased nails, don't worry, because it indicates that the nails well. However, if the pain and burning become stronger, it is less likely to cause iodine to the nails, such as once in two days.
It is noticed that the nail fungus infection is very tenacious and even after treatment can be repeated again, in addition, it can easily spread to others, family members, which share with the patients shoes, towel, and other things. You can become infected in the common areas: showers, baths, swimming pools, gyms and so on. Folk remedies are very effective against fungus of the nails, but they will not help, if not do a series of preventive measures, including use of personal hygiene products, household items, shoes. In the common areas, where you have to remove your shoes, you should have an individual rubber Slippers, Shoe covers.
Recipe 3.
To quickly get rid of fungus on nails, it is advisable to apply such folk remedy recommended by people who have experienced it for yourself. You
take one tablespoon of vegetable oil (instead, you can use the same amount of 70% vinegar), a raw egg and dimethylphthalate in the amount of one teaspoon. Mix it all thoroughly and lubricate the nails that are affected by the fungus, and then processed legs wrap with cellophane and put on socks. Leave overnight and repeat this process for 3-4 days. Note that diseased nails out, instead they grow new healthy. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage.
What symptoms of this disease? First, they change their color to white, then grey, then they turn yellow and resulted in brown, black and even green color. Nails eventually thicken, then crumble in the collapse. The fungus located on nails makes the nail plate is opaque. Folk remedies will help to avoid the development of disease.
Recipe 4.
In various lesions of skin fungus or parasites effectively apply the tar in the form of ointments 10-30%. In addition, birch tar is included in some of the ointments that are sold in drugstores, but you can cook it at home, for example in the yard or at the cottage. For this we need to take a specially prepared pot at the bottom of which the holes are made and put it on the metal groove, which will be collected tar. The distance between the bottom chugunka and the groove should be about five centimeters. In the pot is laid collected in advance of birch bark, which should be set on fire, burning down, it melts and flows into the groove. The process is quite laborious, so maybe it will be easier to buy it at the pharmacy.
Recipe 5.
Effective folk remedy for nail fungus is the mountain ash, or rather its leaves. In order to effectively use this tool, you have to gather the leaves of the mountain ash, and while they are still fresh, grind them to a smooth paste. Apply as a compress, densely enhancing bandage.
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