Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Where are the gays?

Where are the gays? Sexologist Sergey Agarkov told about who's more likely to be homosexual and is it possible to change your preferences.

Today, the answer to the question about the reasons for the formation of homosexuality scientists can't. We don't know that it affects its appearance, because it develops under the influence of many factors, some of them installed, and some not yet.

The first - and he absolutely proven genetic influence. We have identified a number of genes, which contributes to homosexual orientation in later life. Now try to create active serum that should sort it out.

We have a large amount of data that affects homosexuality boys and girls in General, not all clear. At a certain stage of development of the brain begins to form the female type. The brain of men, 7% more than women, also has a strict separation of the functions of the right and left hemisphere, but the female brain has a large number of connections between the hemispheres, that is, the man thinks one hemisphere, thinking either emotional or instrumental, and the weaker sex - at the same time the two halves. That's why intellectual opportunities that men have that women are roughly the same, but the mechanism of how the brain works have partly different.

Exactly the same trend shift of the brain in the female side found in homosexuals. It's already easy to see using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Previously it was believed that homosexuality occurs frequently in boys whose mothers took the female sex hormones to maintain the pregnancy. Maybe taking hormones just provokes the development of the brain of female type.

Junior risk more

But now revealed and other relevant circumstances. It turns out that in the area of risk most often gets the youngest of the brothers. Every time a young mother waiting for her son, there is a slight tension her immune system, as the male fetus it is perceived as alien education. During the second pregnancy, the voltage of the immune system increases, and during the third and fourth - immune conflict can seriously change the program of development of the brain of the embryo female type instead of the planned male.

Of young and early

The third reason is the education in childhood, but note that "palackianae" and the perception of the boy as girl very little effect on the formation of transsexualism and homosexuality. The maximum impact of early puberty, when the sexual interests of the child can be implemented only in same-sex and older age group. The risk of development of homosexuality increases significantly, if at the same time there are other mentioned factors: genetic background, the presence of older brothers, taking hormones the mother. The fact that from first to sixth class loving relationship between children Smoking, at this time, the class is divided into two camps: boys think all the girls laxami and abidemi and girls all boys hooligans and bullies.

And appeared at this age, libido can be directed only to persons of the same sex. In General, if libido appears earlier than occurs close social interaction between boys and girls, the chance to become homosexual child much more.

Female sexuality

With women is much more complicated, because they initially sexuality manifests itself less active. Men are forced to compete to win the heart of beautiful ladies from knights stadium and ending tournament purses. And women libido several produsen, because for proper selection of genetically healthy and caring partner does not need to be very loving enough to be sober. The woman, choosing a partner, guided by the thoughts of a healthy prosperous posterity, therefore, in itself a sexual sense, which is irreversibly determined by sexual orientation among boys, girls are less unambiguously. The mother should love and child, and husband and other family members, she is forced increasingly to caring for elderly parents. Her heart, so to say, more open and more spacious for the different characters, and that's why women, the number of homosexual contacts in life on average two to three times more than men.

But if a man should invariably be rolled into the pocket Homo - or heterosexual relationships, the woman is relatively easily released from one niche and exists in another, then back at first. In the structure of its more affection than passion, and so it can create a relatively successful and hetero-and homosexual unions. So the woman, obviously, homosexuality occurs much easier, but it is not the deep irreversible nature, she can always return to heterosexual relations. In General, women change their preferences much easier than men, but it also is not very simple.

And here Freud!

Among the stronger sex from 4 to 5% never is selected from homosexuality until his death and, in fact, do not have heterosexual relationships. Another 6 - 10 % more likely bisexual. They behave in many respects like a woman, they are Homo - and heterosexual relations. The brightness of the contacts, their number may be different, and bisexuals, as a rule, until the end of his life do not fall into any niche. The remaining two-thirds are heterosexual life, though, I think, among them there are an endless amount of bisexual that do not allow for yourself no thought or gesture in order to implement this unfulfilled part of their nature.

This distribution is very similar to the prediction of Sigmund Freud, who early in the last century wrote that by nature we are all bisexual: we are able to sexual contacts with persons of the opposite sex, and only then the society pushes in heterosexuality.

In recent times, bisexuality, and homosexuality is accepted as variants of normal. They are treated in the international medical documents of the world health organization not as a disorder but as a sexual preference. One like is high, the other thin and third persons of the same sex. The main thing that the person retains the ability to love and be social, regardless of gender. Homosexuals rare exceptions are mentally normal, albeit with some features, but healthy.

In addition, they are in the life of a successful no less than heterosexuals, better educated, earn more, they carefully monitor their health, they are the best parents. Those same-sex couples who adopt children often go to the cinema, theatres, museums, check homework, meet with teachers, because these people fight for their parental rights, each day they prove that they are worthy to bring up.

Despite the fact that homosexuals difficult to build long-term relationships (in the world of Homo and bieksa communication, usually not very long), they are due to the greater brightness, emotional attachment, and it inevitably weakens, when to change them do not come marriage, caring for children, maintaining a home.

Numerous studies proved that the percentage of violations of the sexual orientation of children in homosexual families are no higher than in the heterosexual. These recent results thirty foreign observations of homosexual couples do not contradict our research, however, limited in several years. In the West, certainly more statistics about this, and we have no reason to doubt that this is true.

Scientists are still unable to trace the genetic map children of homosexual father. Let's not forget that the human genome was opened only a decade ago. In order to make any conclusions about whether homosexuality is inherited, it is necessary to trace the life of at least one generation, and this is 25 - 30 years. To say anything is possible, just seeing that the children of homosexuals - carriers of this gene and it is manifested in their behavior. To organize such research, to persuade people to participate in such programs is hard enough. But the probability of transmission of this trait actually very small, since it belongs to the weak, recessive. That is, when the birth of a child by a homosexual father, we get greater, almost homeopathic dilution of this gene. This is because genetic information is stored on the x-chromosome, of which the two women, and men only one, but as this weakened the genetic impulse can affect the child's behavior in the future, still remains a mystery to science.


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