Has long been noticed that there are houses in which people have worse health. Whether in for a visit - was not myself, or to my grandmother for the summer came and thought so, whether and had moved into a new apartment and after two or three years suddenly to the oncologist needs to go. People such places are called bad, or certifyme. Now say - syndrome sick buildings. According to Tatyana Garnik, Chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of health on alternative medicine, that in some apartments deteriorating health, the doctors know, but this issue is wider than just health and often has a geophysical roots. "Your causes of ill health in "sick" houses can be called traditional doctors, and netradicionie, and geologists," said the specialist. On her advice, we turned to the practices of these professions and learned, who they consider to be the perpetrators of domestic diseases.
Blame the air we breathe in the apartment
The allergist, member of the European Academy of Allergology and clinical immunology Alla Oliynyk believes that make a person sick can be "wrong" home microclimate. If the day at work, everything is fine, and the house begins sneezing, "flu-like" state, an ache in joints, insomnia, General weakness, and this attack can last for weeks, months and years, the culprit may be that the housing microclimate. According to the specialist, the air may be sick for several reasons. First, because of the dust: the rooms in the house "aired" worse than an open space outside the window, and hence the dust accumulates in them 4-6 times more. Secondly, because of Perissinotto. In summer, this problem is particularly acute for offices that use air conditioners. Air conditioning tends to pick up water from the air, reducing the moisture level to an unacceptable level (20-30 % at the rate of 45 to 60%). And, thirdly, from too humid air. If the linen house long dried, Wallpaper peel off, warped parquet, furniture cracks on the ceilings and internal walls have damp spots and small droplets of condensate, green or blue pattern, black points, the apartment is clearly increased humidity. If 2-3 of these signs you noticed at home, it is necessary to sound the alarm. For greater certainty can purchase a hygrometer is a special device for measuring humidity. The most basic model costs about 40 USD. allow to make measurements with an error of 5%. This is enough to diagnose the problem. If this is uncomfortable not only walls, but man: the high humidity causes the formation of mold fungi, spores, which when inhaled into the lungs, promote the development of allergic diseases, rhinitis and bronchial asthma. People who are constantly exposed to moisture, much more common migraine, rhinitis, otitis, bronchitis, cardiovascular disorders.
How to clean the air? To improve the purity of the air, you can hang mosquito nets on Windows, hold the ventilation system, often do wet cleaning. To solve the problem will help the ionizer. It creates the effect of "pine trees", literally breathing in the air of new life. If the air is too dry, get a regular fish tank or decorate the window sills plants. If the air is too humid, the treatment of the apartment is in the daily airing of the house 3-4 times within 15 -20 minutes the Bathroom need to equip a good ventilation system, the stove is a powerful extractor. Absolutely impossible to dry clothes in the apartment, especially in the bathroom when the doors are open. Do it on the balcony, closing the door to the room and opening the balcony window. And, sadly, but a living area will also have to close: to remove the tank and plants. And then, and it is a rich source of moisture for the air.
Blame around us electricity and electronics
The neutralizer. Looks like the phone is protected against torsion fields
One of the reasons for the deterioration of health in the home Serhiy Kyrychenko, head of the Department of information technology Institute of human ecology, refers to the saturation of the apartments appliances. According to the specialist, refrigerator, microwave, TV, cellphones, computer, and other appliances and relays (antenna mobile operators standing on the roofs), emit electromagnetic waves and t.n. torsion fields, which may cause a violation of a person's ability to comprehend information from which a person may come spasm, headache. Of course, all these diseases occur, provided that the person to spend more than three or four hours to be in the area of the emitter. According to Dr. energy Sciences, Professor of the faculty of bio technologies Open international University of human development "Ukraine" Anatoly Pavlenko, chronic exposure is gradually reduced immunity, from which man begins to get sick often, violations occur in the autonomic system, which can have a variety of endocrine, nervous and vascular disorders. By the way, according to Savolainen electromagnetic radiation of the Institute of hygiene and malacologie, Professor Yuri Dumansky, is now preparing a decree according to which every mobile phone will be tested on the duration of work, safe for health. In some models it will be more, others less. But if the house is near the power lines, health can really deteriorate, because among all of the emitters of electromagnetic waves lap the strongest. In the area of radiation (up to 200 m) can be obtained infertility, heart problems, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, and to be near better no more than 30 minutes, otherwise it may start to have heart.
How to curb the eld? To understand, for myself, how safe is your workplace or home, you can measure the level of electromagnetic and torsion fields in it. This can be done by purchasing one of the appliances - household indicators of electromagnetic radiation. Information about where to buy them, you can easily find on the Internet, scoring in the search, for example, "how to measure electromagnetic field". The second option is to summon the professionals working with such devices. This option is preferable because, if the electromagnetic field is high enough to protect yourself from using the same specialists: as a rule those who are trying, you know, and methods of protection (cost control measurements apartments average of 75-100 USD, neutralization Studio apartment "average" pollution - about 135 UAH). You can also call an electrician and ask him to ground all provisions for lights. For this ground wire must be connected to electrodisco and connect it to the ground. This simple procedure reduces the radiation level in the apartment up to 10 times. The specialists can offer all kinds of metal frames, outlines, reflectors, neutralizers, bioresonator and t.n. device. Some of them have views of ordinary labels. The effectiveness of their work can be found on the control measurements of radiation levels before and after protection. The device is well applicable, if capable of neutralizing more than 75% of the electromagnetic radiation and torsion fields. For example, after research Professor Pavlenko, where the numbers of students were pasted neutralizers torsion fields, indicators of immunity in students bounced. In any case, what device would you choose, ask for reassurance certificate products. If not, you can guarantee no one will give a. The greatest damage is torsion fields bring when the person is still in the area of their actions in the same position. Most often this happens when we sleep. Therefore, in order to reduce the harmful effects, you need to disable the on night TV, VCR, music center and other sources of electromagnetic radiation, which can be in standby mode. You also need to remove from the headboard of electronic watches and all sorts of charging, wall lamps with shades, turned down the light must be directed upwards. Should not be in the bedroom and phone numbers. You can also put the cactus in front of a computer monitor or TV near appliances. This plant has the form of a loop, catching and ground invisible waves, with more on the plant thorns, the better it works. But great efficiency, it does not possess, t.to. neutralizes only the torso of the field, and partly to a maximum of 50%.
Power lines increases the impact of hazardous zones
In the opinion of the biolocation operator, architect Igor Miracle, the house may be sick, if it is in a geopathic zone of the earth's surface above the fault of tectonic plates. Because of their interaction with each other occurs, the energy that leaves the earth in the form of invisible vertical flow width from 50 to 150 meters, with a length of tens of kilometers in. These lines often intersect, forming nodes, radiation with a particularly strong. On average geopathic zones occupy up to 40% of the entire earth's surface. According to Anatoly Pavlenko, long-term (more than 3 hours per day), long-term effects of geopathic zones on the body leads to a gradual lowering of immunity in 90% of people and irreversible diseases, including metabolic, endocrine and oncologic. Still there and fine lines, evenly covering the entire surface - t.n. line Hartman and Curry. In places where they intersect, form very dangerous vertical threads with a diameter of 20-40 cm. On average, they meet every meter or two. Enough to sleep in this place for 3 months to have health problems. Also dangerous is the combination of geopathic zones with household electromagnetic fields near the transformer boxes, relays, power lines. In such places, their harmful effects are amplified. The fact that you live in a geopathic zone can be suspected by frequent blowing of household appliances, fading colors, regardless of how much you water, appearance of the trees around the house - they twisted, forked or covered with growths trunks. It is especially noticeable on the maples and pines.
What to do?
In order to neutralize the effect of geopathic zones easier just to avoid a long stay in them, correctly placing the furniture in the apartment. The main thing is that in place of breakdowns do not have a bed, chair, chair. But guaranteed to be protected can only be moved to a clean place. To check for geopathic do it, you can call the same experts in dowsing, do it yourself, using the frame. Also check the need and the choice of any new housing or land for building homes. When choosing a home, pay attention to the material from which it is made. Better than other materials holds various radiation red brick, worse - silicate (grey) brick (in addition, it absorbs moisture, which serves as a source of moisture) and very weakly - reinforced concrete. Moreover, the latter can increase the impact of negative energy. You also don't want to buy a flat in homes, which runs metro. If the opportunity to move there, will help those same converters that save and torsion fields.
Geopathic zones Kiev*
the fault line starts from Teatro Franco and goes through Khreshchatyk and Proreznaya street to the Golden gate and on to the point of intersection of Potter and Bohdan Khmelnytsky; sticky, and the fault line is between the Verkhovna Rada is a messy place and the Mariinsky Palace - "clean". In geopathogenic zone fall and the Secretariat of the President, and the government building; (clov.
Pechersk: street AP, Friendship Boulevard from the intersection of Blvd. L. Ukrainka to riverside drive.
Shevchenko p-n: plot Ul. Olena Teligi from the intersection with Degtyarevskaya street to St. Cyril's Church.
Obolon: in the district Obolon embankment (where new buildings), Ul. mate of salki, other Heroes of Stalingrad.
Borshchagovka: plot prospect Komarova from crossing Blvd. Lepse - through the Avenue of the 50th anniversary of the October - to the Ring road; the street rather from Povitroflotskyi to the Industrial bridge.
Goloseevsky n
: the area of the Hippodrome building in the area of the Agricultural Academy, the area between Vasylkivska street and prospect Acad. Glushkov.
Rusanivka (up to 60% of the territory).
Troyeshchyna: the area around the intersection Zakrevsky street and Dreiser.
Forest: from the intersection Brovarsky prospect street Bratislava to Yuri Gagarin Ave.
* data architect I. Miracle
How to work with frames?
A light piece of metal feels ton fluctuations better than we
Frame - a piece of wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm, bent in the form of the letter "G". Handle length 15 cm, barrel - 30 see the handle can be put on the plastic case. To measure, we need to take the frame with the short end in your hand and balance it so that the long part of the frame looked straight ahead and did not hesitate, and then around the room in a circle, moving from the walls to the center. When the barrel began to deviate to either side, there is anomalous energy. Fixing such places, you can place the furniture in the room to the nodes geopathic zones were outside the usual holiday destinations.
The smog: where "hiding" household radiation and how to protect themselves
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