First of all, you need as quickly as possible to omit flowers in water at room temperature.
If the packaging does not bear decorative feature, free plants from it. Thick cellophane prevents air to circulate freely, prevents "breathing" of the colors.
At that moment, when the plants are without water, the cells at the end of the stem begin to change. If you don't cut end of the stem, the moisture will not be enough to do the flowers. On average, you need to clear about 2-2, 5 cm Only after that the flowers can be put in the water.
To prolong the life of flowers will help powders that can be added to the water. They destroy dangerous bacteria, nourish the flowers. In addition, some drugs help the buds faster to open.
Some flowers need special care. So, in order roses or tulips longer you pleased with its beauty, in the water, in which they will stand you can add a little sugar, which will substantially increase the life of flowers.
Also, be aware that some colors cannot be placed in one vase, so for each kind of flowers provide your own vase. It will be good if you cut off the lower leaves or thorns.
Well, as a General rule, do not place a vase on the sun.
Usually a bunch of live 3-5 days, but if to be smart and to follow some tips, then this number can be increased. So, you bought a bunch until you have reached home, he was without water, so will cut the slices into 2 cm, only do it under running water. Then put the bouquet in a vase with water. However for the majority of flower vase should be completely filled with water.
It would be useful to add to the water a special substance, or a drop of bleach. Do not forget every 2 days change the water in the vase, but again add a special substance.
In addition to just spend prevention: remove dried flowers and branches.
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