She's a real femme: the right facial features, figure professional ballerina, impeccable behavior and have an unblemished reputation. This girl even washes the dishes, standing in the third ballet positions. It will not add the epithet fatale, although "bad luck" in her life was more than enough.
No cloudless childhood was not in sight: Charlie (nickname Charlize) grew up in South Africa, in the small town of Benoni near Johannesburg, on the farm of her parents bred ostriches. In two years she almost drowned in nine years already drove the tractor, a 13 - came to the orphanage because of the alcoholism of his father, 15 witnessed as her mother Gerda in self-defense shot and killed her husband. 16 Charlize said goodbye to the career of a ballerina, which has dedicated 12 years of my life. With an angelic face and devilish past 19-year-old Charlize arrived in Los Angeles with only a check for a small amount, obnalichivaya which it drew the attention of agent John Crosby. It soon became a model, and at 20 he got his first role, albeit episodic, - "Children of the corn 3" based on the novel by Stephen king. A couple of years later, she played one of its main roles - wife, an ambitious lawyer in the movie "devil's Advocate". It brought to mind al Pacino with sacramental phrase: "Definitely, vanity is my favorite of sins".
But it is certainly not about Charlize. She was not passing roles: strong and loyal in "the Wife of astronaut", a touching and sensual in "Mighty Joe young", seductive and lonely in the "Rules of wine," gentle and crazy in "Sweet November", windy and fatal in "Head in the clouds. But for the Academy sometimes worse - the better. As it was with Nicole Kidman, which won the coveted statuette, only when played in "Hours" might be great, but unattractive Virginia Woolf. Charlize has repeatedly admitted in an interview that her beauty that prevents many people appreciate her acting talent. And in 2004, she went on self-destruction, so typical of the truly beautiful people, is transformed into a prostitute-killer and recovered 13, 5 kg for the role in the movie "Monster". Behind a thick layer of make-up hiding all the same angel, to see which I wanted each spectator "Monster". Alas, it was impossible. But the Academy was satisfied. By the way, and Kidman and Theron for 2012 will again have to "spoil" yourself for the movie "Dutch", where the first play of the transsexual and the second his/her beloved. It is quite possible that fans will not survive repeated shocks, and hope that the prediction of the Mayan calendar in 2012 will come true. Among the future role Charlize there is less "ambitious" projects: "Robbery-Italian - 2", a sequel to the 2003 film, where Charlize will play with mark Walburga and Jason Statham, but in Rio de Janeiro, as well as "Mad Max IV, the previous three parts which did Mel Gibson. And though these Prime is still very far away, do not think that Charlie left in the shade: recently, she appeared in the music video Crossfires of Brandon flowers, the participant, The Killers, another unusual role. Imagine Charlize in the image of Lara Croft and uma Thurman from Kill bill at the same time: with a samurai sword on his shoulder and with parched lips with the blood she pulls out her boyfriend of all sorts of scrapes. For Brandon this is the first solo video, and on September 14 will be released his independent album Flamingo. In such a case to get support from the Charlize Theron is much better the blessing of the gods of the musical Olympus.
Charlize much involved in charity work: in addition to the private Fund's Africa Outreach Project, which helps young South Africans to stand on her feet, she, along with Salma Hayek supports Moroccan women with Sean Penn is fighting for the rights of sexual minorities, favors abortion rights, is involved in the telethon in aid to Haiti - and this is not a complete list. In his charitable activity it easily bypasses the Jolie - pitt, and U2's Bono and Oprah Winfrey.
To see Charlize in the scandalous news almost impossible: it does not demonstrate the absence of underwear, for the sake of advertising their movies misses the tabloids for offscreen novels, does not advertise personal life, not trashes hotel rooms and not treated any dependencies. She even't smoke! Nine-year relationship with actor Stuart Townsend, she did not hide, and about the reasons for their break in January 2010 is still not known. She is so perfect, perhaps even speed does not exceed.
Does the South African sun spots? Well, Charlize once saw kissing with Keanu Reeves, double-screen partner for the films "the devil's Advocate" and "Sweet November". Whether it's romance or just too emotional farewell old friends - who knows. It's just not the PR. But then what the hell is this, was it? And what did Stewart? Maybe this is the very reason that nobody is going to announce?
Charlize wayward. So, the draw for the FIFA world Cup 2010 she's in the company of other celebrities got the balls with the names of the countries to spread them across subgroups. Pulling out the "ball" of France, she said loudly "Ireland", hinting at foul play the French team, because of which the Irish were not at the championship. The organizers of FIFA did not expect from Hollywood stars such antics, and aired the episode was not allowed.
Charlize admits that sometimes impatient, straightforward, does not hide that he was afraid of loneliness, brutality and old age. And it's explosive nature. But what if then, at the age of 19, she was not satisfied with the Bank scandal, learning that her cheque cannot be cashed out and it wouldn't notice agent John Crosby? A bit of scandal still sometimes not hurt.
Filmography Charlize Theron
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