Here comes the long-awaited spring. A little more and we will replace the usual pullovers and sweaters to t-shirts with short sleeves and dresses, but what to do if your hands leave much to be desired?
Women's Magazine offers an effective exercise to work out and strengthen biceps, triceps, wrists and Delta. Forget flabby and sagging arms, who had to hide under long sleeves. Regular exercise 3-4 times a week, and after a month you will notice a change. But 4-5 months your hands the shape.
A massive hand is the problem of every second woman of large stature. To get rid of this problem, perform exercises for slimming arm. It is enough to repeat the exercise 3-4 times per week so that your hands have acquired the desired shape after 4-5 months.
Warm-up exercises will help to heat the muscles, making them more elastic and preparing for a more serious loads.
Exercise # 1
Starting position: standing, hands on his belt.
On the 1 - turn to the right, hands in sides; 2 - return to starting position; 3 - turn to the left, hands in sides; 4 - return to its original position. Repeat 8-10 times.
Exercise # 2
Starting position: standing with arms in hand.
On account 1-8 - rotating brushes forward; 9-16 - back. Repeat 1-2 times.
Exercise # 3
Starting position: standing with arms in hand.
On account 1-8 - rotate arms forward; 9-16 - back. Repeat 1-2 times.
Exercise # 4
Starting position: standing, hands palm - to-palm in front of the chest.
On the score 1-3 to squeeze the palm; 4 - relax. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times.
Exercises on the floor
Starting position: lying position, the arms are bent on the sofa, feet on the floor.
On the 1 - straighten your arms; 2 - return to its original position. Repeat 20-30 times.
Exercises with dumbbells 1, 5 kg
Exercise # 1
Starting position: standing with arms along the body.
On the 1 - lifting, bending elbows; 2 - hands - in-hand; 3-4 hands through the sides down.
Exercise # 2 (you will need 2 kg dumbbells)
Starting position: standing, hands in front of chest.
On the 1 - hands up; 2 - hands best to start over head; 3 - hands up; 4 - to return to its original position. Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Exercise # 3
Starting position: lying down, arms bent at the elbows to the sides.
On the 1 hand to close in front of chest, 2 - to return to its original position. Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Exercise # 4
Starting position: standing with arms along the body.
On the 1 hand in hand; 2 - return to original position. Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Exercise # 5
Starting position: standing with arms along the body.
On the 1 hand - forward; 2 - return to original position. Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Women's Magazine
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