Thursday, January 22, 2015

Exercises on the beach

Exercises on the beachYou can lie down and bask in the sun moving and can look after your body, i.e. gymnastics on the beach. But what exercises can be performed without drawing attention to yourself?! For example, here is an exercise for the hands.

Exercise for arms. Turns hands. Lying on your back, use your wits hands at sides, palms down. Muscles relax. He clenched his fingers into a fist, turn palms up and tighten your muscles, while taking a breath. Then turn the palms down, relax your muscles and make breathing out. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then extend your arms along the body, the muscles loosen and relax a little bit.

The following

exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest. Tension - relaxation. Remaining in the same position on your back, bend your elbows and put it under his head. In this position several times, firmly press on the sand (breath), then relax all the muscles (exhale). Repeat this exercise 2 times.

Exercise for legs and belly. Bending - straightening. Lying on your back, slowly bend your knees, and feet remain on the ground (breath), then slightly lift the legs and lower them, straightening on earth (exhale). Take a deep breath, then slowly exhale, pull strongly socks (knees straight, the leg muscles are strained. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Exercise for back muscles. Arc - flat. Over on the stomach, arms bend at the elbows, palms put one on another on his chin. And now, look in the blue sea. Raise your shoulders, leaving the head in the same position, severely straining the back muscles, legs and thighs. All body Vigneto in the form of a bow (breath). Then relax your muscles, returning to its original position (exhale). Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise for belly. Sit on the Mat, legs pull forward. Then, without relying hands, lean forward shoulders. If You find it difficult to perform this exercise, You have weakened abdominal muscles. Raise your hands and do tilt forward, fingers touching the feet.

Now bend your knees and sit down "Turkish". Without hands, leaning on the outer side of the foot stand, slightly bending the torso forward. This is a great exercise for the abdomen and legs. Tip: do it when you get up from the litter.

After you perform this little exercise go for a walk along the sea. Back, walk through the knee-deep water, from time to time, going in depth to one-half of the thighs. Remember: every movement on the beach can be a exercise and, on the contrary, the exercise may look natural movement. Remember even a few exercises for the beach. The same exercises You can come up with themselves.

Lying on his back, slightly bend your knees. Right foot back on the ground, the left put on the right and the fingers of the left leg describe circles in both directions. Or: pull your hands along the body, palms turn down. Strongly press each finger on the litter. So, You strengthen the fingers and hands. Or: if You're sitting, his legs stretched out or "Turkish", and You need to take something, without bending the back, sharply, torso bend sideways to the right and to the left. This exercise will make Your waistline flexible. Walking on the beach or walking in the woods, use every hollow, every stump to jump over him. Or walk a few steps on his heels, a few steps on their toes. The rest will complement Your imagination.

Based on the book Wendrowski S. "100 minutes"health & beauty


Vankovska C.

The five-day diet Claudia Schiffer

The five-day diet Claudia Schiffer

Want to lose weight and look on the beach as the legendary supermodel Claudia Schiffer? Then Women's Magazine offers you to take advantage of its diet. At first glance, the diet may seem like a "hungry", but its calorie is almost 1200 Kcal. Also, unlike many quick diet, your diet is balanced and full of essential nutrients and vitamins.

Breakfast: muesli

How to cook

: a Cup of chopped fruit and berries (except grapes, bananas and dates) mixed with 1 tbsp. of any sprouted grains and 100 g of yoghurt.

Lunch: fruit cocktail

How to cook

100 ml of any of the juice and 100 ml natural yoghurt.

Lunch: vegetable stew

How to cook: simmered in a little water several inflorescences boiled cauliflower (you can substitute broccoli), add the finely chopped vegetables - 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. spoonful of green peas or young beans, half onion, 1 celery root, parsley. Season stew 1 tbsp olive oil mixed with 1 tsp. of lemon juice.

Afternoon snack: sandwich

How to cook

: 100 g of boiled chicken breast to put a small slice of bran bread (bread with bran, you can substitute whole wheat).

Dinner: fruit pilaf

How to cook: 50 g of boiled rice mixed with 1 grated Apple and 100 g of any other berries and fruits.

If you want to diversify the menu, not adding calories for Breakfast eat fruit salad, and sandwich replace boiled chicken or Turkey breast with vegetables.


Women's Magazine

Clothes that will flatter the figure

Clothes that will flatter the figureFor anybody not a secret that there are things that can help to correct your figure, for example, to make slimmer or visually above, to remove too wide hips or to define the waist. Many celebrities use these techniques for the formation of his immaculate image. But, in order to always have the perfect look you don't need expensive stylists and personal advisers, enough to know a few simple rules and stick to them. Next, we describe in more detail how you look slimmer thanks to the clothes.

The problem is the complete lap

To hide the slightly plump knees, you need to wear a skirt straight cut and medium length (just above the knee). Look slimmer in this style skirt will help overestimated waist and shoes with high heels, and a slit on the side or back will emphasize femininity and sexuality.

If you're a fan of the pants, your model is press the arrow keys. In this model, kneeling emphasis is not done, but for the best results, there should be a stud.

Clothes that will flatter the figureThe problem is curvy or flat buttocks

The girls are dissatisfied with the shape of their buttocks to look slim because clothes can thanks to the flared skirt. Flared, but not too fluffy skirt will hide your flaws with full buttocks and add a little volume too thin. Avoid clothing try straight skirts white color any length.

Perfectly complement the flared skirt is nice wide belt that will emphasize and outline the waist, visually extending the silhouette. The top is better to dress in shirt and short jacket, which this spring is very relevant.

The problem is a small tummy

Get it out of her wardrobe fitting tops and t-shirts. But don't worry, loose clothing, unlike the stretch, now is the fashion trend! At your disposal tunics, blouses, little dresses, without focusing on the silhouette. This clothes will help you look slimmer.

Certainly look slimmer thanks to the clothes you can, but do not forget that your body gets better only visually, and in front of the beach season, where things will no longer be able to hide all the flaws. The best option still is to look slimmer thanks to fitness!

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Enemies of your harmony

Enemies of your harmonyDiet foods marked "light" often are not diet. Many of them contain real calorie bomb. There are a number of dangerous products, the process of absorption which you may not even notice, but they will add several hundred calories to your diet. What most threatens the figure?


You can't start their day without a Cup of coffee? Nothing to worry about. But only if you don't add no sugar, no cream. By itself, coffee contains almost no calories. But different flavors make innocent morning drink a health hazard. There are cocktails on the basis of coffee, containing one large portions of half the daily calories for an adult!


Depending on the part of the pork, the meat can be compared with both low-fat and low-calorie chicken and harmful saturated fats hot-dog. But even if this part of the diet of meat, you will not benefit his waist, adding it to the sauce or the cheese. Sirloin and fillet usually malaeimi, but any lean part of meat can easily be spoiled by improper cooking process.

Biscuits and chocolates

Products for diabetics, not containing sugar, usually quite greasy. Conversely, fat-free foods often contain excess sugar to keep an attractive taste. If the package is written "no sugar" or "no fat", we often think that there are almost no calories, and allow ourselves these diet products are pretty impressive numbers. This is a bug products without sugar or fat are not always useful for your diet. Most of them contain almost the same number of calories as their full competitors, but the taste is much the poorer. Does it make sense to change something?


We usually consider liquid dish kind of filling of the stomach that contain low calories. Therefore, eating lunch with a hearty soup with bread or crackers, we conclude that diet. However, many kinds of soups contain a lot of calories and fat. Soups or soups with milk can be quite fatty and contain more than 300 calories per serving.

Salad dressings

Refills - known source of extra calories and fat that can spoil even the most healthy dish. Some studies show that women who eat a lot of vegetables, get about 60% of the daily fat every day just with salad dressings. One time was popular diets based on salads with a large amount of vegetable oil. Their supporters wondered why the weight does not go away - eat some vegetables! Actually, huge amount of fats, obtained with the oil, no one even thought to consider.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits do not contain water, which makes them very dense and energy-dense. Raisins, dried apples, apricots - looks useful, but contain a lot of calories. Eat a handful of these fruits, and get the maximum benefit. But if you want to eat the entire package, believing that they are not better, you are wrong.

Juice and soda

If you every morning drink a glass of juice, and lunch - a bottle of soda, it is necessary to know that the day you get 400 extra calories.


In General, nuts are a healthy food, a good source of protein and vitamins. But, despite all their benefits, it is recommended to eat no more than one serving of nuts per day. Most people are not limited to two or three nuts, and certainly eats up all the contents of the bag. Therefore, the diet may not be successful.

Nuts: the benefits and harms

The whole truth about coffee

Dried fruit: healthy delicacy


Feel Good

7 ways to cheer yourself up

7 ways to cheer yourself upDejected, melancholy, boredom, spleen, melancholy, melancholy, despondency - English so generous with words describing a bad mood. But the diagnosis of "depression" or "melancholy" you, of course, in the medical reference books't find it. They operate on other concepts, such as "stress" and "depression". Everyone who mobilizes its forces to fight bad mood, it is important to distinguish between these States and know that they are closely related to each other.

For stress, for example, a typical irritability, temper and anxiety, the inability to keep in control. If you notice these symptoms, do not panic, to fight with them, there are natural sedatives. The main thing to remember that thoughtless attitude stress does not forgive, it becomes chronic and eventually exhausts the possibilities of the nervous system, turning into a real depression. And fatigue and apathy characteristic of this condition, often so strong that to cope with them without specialist fails.

So do not delay the fight with a bad mood for a long time - the sooner and more energetic to start a battle, the less likely it is that the words "stress" and "depression" will have to you some respect. And the faster on your horizon, the sun will Shine no matter what the weather. Only let's just say: shopping and sweet not to offer: the first has a negative impact on the budget, and the second - on the condition of the teeth and shape. So look for a more secure, but no less effective ways of getting rid of a bad mood.

Go to the bath

Instead of sending at a known address anyone who comes across your path, go to the baths themselves, if there are no contraindications, of course. Choose what you like more: Russian, Turkish, Finnish is not important. The main thing is to give the body temperature test and help a good sweating and sweat to bring all accumulated over the autumn negative. Incidentally, bathing stimulates regenerative processes in the peripheral nerves, which means that contrary to popular misconception, the nerve cells still recovering! Radiant freshness of the skin, freed from all sorts of toxins, the pair left in the bath pounds and a few are visually lost years will further enhance the mood.

Get used

Feel free to laugh at every opportunity and even uncomfortable if it has a beneficial effect not only on the mood, but generally on health. Moreover, even if the reasons for no fun and laughter turns tense, it doesn't matter, our body on a physiological level may not feel the difference and it still runs certain biochemical processes, which improves the mood and feeling. So after a while artificial laughter becomes genuine and contagious. Incidentally, the American journalist Norman Cousens, who was one of the first checked his smehoterapiya, laughter helped to cope with a fatal illness: he lived another quarter of a century after he was diagnosed.

Fill your life with colors

Very often, the mood decline in autumn is associated with the banal lack of light. In order not to drown in the seasonal Blues, try to saturate the surrounding interior with bright colors. First of all, screw in the chandelier light bulb brighter and stop it to save on electricity. Get orange curtains - during the day they will create the illusion that the room is filled with sunlight. To remind you of the sun can also oranges and tangerines, lined with picturesque hill in the fruit bowl. In addition, they will saturate the air invigorating citrus scent, and the body will appreciate the extra dose of vitamin C, which is essential to the nervous system in order to effectively confront all sorts of trouble.

Arrange yourself adventure

If the depression deeper tighten in their network, then it's time to give yourself the emotional and physical shock. To jump with a parachute, ride a roller coaster, climb to the highest point on the rock - climbing wall is a range of such entertainment is so great that it remains only to choose what will make the strongest impression on soundrive the body. After a thrilling adventure, you will feel refreshed and instead of moping, will be proud of his brave deed. To improve the effect is allowed to shamelessly brag about their courage, especially in front of people that you did not believe.

Help someone worse

Finding a man who reasons to be depressed more than you have problems probably will not be. Carefully listen to it, I sincerely sympathize with, try to encourage and help however you can, this will be a major contribution to improving mood. Moreover, it will act not only on your ward. Altruism, as shown by a number of scientific studies, not only reduces stress, but also strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular system and actually prolongs life.

Get pet

Animals are so healing effect on humans, especially on his psycho-emotional sphere, which in medicine is already developing a new direction animaloterapiya. Communication with animals contributes to the development of hormone happiness - serotonin, moreover, in order to improve a bad mood quite fifteen, twenty minutes. So if you are not ready to get a pet, go to visit friends who have a cats or dogs, they are best to help cope with stress. You can even go to the nearest pet store and enjoy the fish - their contemplation also recognized the healing and relaxing.

Take a nature

Residents of big cities are under constant irritating factors of the urban environment - man-made landscapes and the noise kept us in constant tension, which leads to the spleen. So at the first opportunity, go to the nearest Park to admire the natural scenery, it not only calms the nervous system, but even stimulates cognitive processes and can improve short-term memory. So it is quite possible that on a country walk you will visit the insight that will help to solve some long-standing problem. By the way, similar effects have images of nature, so that you can hang around the apartment landscapes and place the matching Wallpaper on your desktop computer.


Why women often cry?

Why women often cry? The woman allowed to cry, and she uses her privilege with pleasure. However, sometimes the passion for water treatments can be a serious obstacle for normal communication with others.

Women can cry for them it is permitted. Moreover, in our blood contains the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the secretion of tears and milk production during lactation. Men do not cry because of testosterone, which prevents the build up of tear fluid, and due to the fact that society from childhood inspires them that "real men don't cry".

If you all the time crying...

Some women favor that cry for any reason. This suggests that they are something to be concerned about, but they prefer not to pay attention to it, supersede this problem from the field of view. Another reason for the whining - physical or emotional fatigue.

Unfortunately, control over emotions will not solve the problem. Maybe you'll stop crying at work and will no longer respond to the attacks of leadership, but at home, nothing will stop you get poradate in the pillow. So to eliminate the whining need to eliminate the reason that you are oppressed and worried. You may spare yourself, you are not confident in their own abilities, deep in someone offended and stuff. To understand this better with a psychologist, but try to lighten their condition independently. This is an excellent exercise "Cloud".

Exercise "Cloud"

Draw in your mind a cloud. Take a look at it. What color is it? What form? Mentally tell her "I allow you to shed rain! " and watch it rain. See up until the rain stops. After this exercise you should become easier and safer (the image of the rain all people involuntarily associated with tears).


Women's information and entertainment portal

How to reconcile with your loved

How to reconcile with your lovedNo matter what was the reason for quarrels gave the ring, and about the bouquet forgot the bathroom mirror again splashed, promised to call and didn't call. It is important that you want to melt the ice in the relationship.

How to reconcile of Course, there are two points of view are wrong and yours. But you do not need to be reminded of this constantly loved!

The strategy of reconciliation is always the same - regardless of what gave rise to quarrels - your PMS or more significant differences.

Alone or advance preparation

"Calm down. If you already went to different corners (rooms, apartments), but mentally continue to come up with accusations and trenchant phrase, the conclusion was to put up early. To stop this internal monologue, remember that we are talking about a man who is dear to you.

- Take the negative energy for peaceful purposes. Do the things which in ordinary life just hands do not reach: place your order in computer folders, sort things, throw stuff.

- Take a break. Very good to take a head something else: read a book, read articles from the "Psychology" or chat on the forum, watch a movie, sleep, finally. While consciousness is occupied, it is possible that you will see some new and different understanding of the whole situation.

- If you are a sociable person, discuss your quarrel with someone. It is not necessary to call mom or girlfriend, it is better to choose a virtual interlocutor, can and unfamiliar. Ask the question "why do you think people do so and so". Sometimes absolutely wrong people can give very useful advice because they are outsiders.

How to start a dialogue

You should never hurry. Wait until the partner has cooled and will be able to think straight. If the reason for the quarrel was serious enough, it may need it 1-2 days depending on temperament. Success is your attitude and conviction that you now turn off the conflict and do everything right. Remember, you want to make peace, not to prove your own innocence. Any "nyktalgia" intonation often perceived as a continuation of attacks. If you are unsure of your "voice", it is better to say nothing, but to live quietly in bed.

- If you find what was wrong, admit your mistake.

- Hug (Pat on the head, kiss in the ear and. so on - depending on the relationship) and tell me that you love him. Point! No provocation on the topic "Love, although you...". Otherwise run the risk of starting all over again.

- Weep. It works great, if often you quarrelling, behave coldly and independently as the "Iron lady", pretend that you still, though actually it is not so. Your tears will make it clear that you too are experiencing.

The way is difficult, but very effective: tell us about your feelings, you show that you understand his feelings (feelings, don't start talking about the beliefs or actions). Now is not the time to find out who's in what was or was not to blame.

- Prepare his favorite dish.

- After a quarrel especially sweet to put up with in bed. Temptation favorite!

He is not to contact

- If you are ready to continue to apologize, something to explain about feelings, to understand it, then continue.

If this attitude hurt you in the end, love is not a one-sided game, if you feel that it "stuck" on something, then change the intonation. Add in the voice of austerity and quietly, calmly, without emotion and slamming the door to inform them that you are tired to put up. Cold ask what he is seeking behavior. Wants to hurt you? Well, you have offended. Wants to be one? Well, let it be so. If after some number of such questions there is no reaction, leave the man alone, it looks like him and is actually there, something to think about. If it has no purpose to quarrel finally, he must make the first step.

And there's no need to shout!

If you realize that your scandals have some kind of cyclical and typically occur for the same reason, start with yourself, understand what drives the conflict you? In the future it will help you keep the situation under control and not falling on the scandals.

Step # 1

Recognize their own inadequacy. Ask yourself 2 questions: do you begin in a quarrel to hate the person you love? Does your anger obsessive?

For example: husband has once again delayed "on the job", you suspect the worst, dismissal, the presence of a mistress.

Step # 2

Feel the feelings you Express in the process quarrels? What emotions "NAT"?

For example: the husband comes back and you are "thrown" at him all his irritation and anger.

Step # 3

Remember what you felt before began to shout. For two hours, the hour, half hour, 15 minutes, 2 minutes before the start of the fight? This is necessary in order to understand what is happening in your soul really is. Often this list is headed by anxiety,.... Continue your personal list themselves.

For example: you were worried, and anxiety by the hour grew.

Step # 4

Analyze - what reminds you preconflict situation? What encouraged you to showdown? Pull out different hypotheses until then, until you feel a different emotion (not anger and resentment, and that lurked at the bottom of the soul). If you are stuck on this step, ask yourself the question "how do I look from the side".

For example: anger can hide the fear to be alone, unwanted. It is quite possible that you already have such experience (you threw earlier) and you are "trying on" old fears to the new situation.

Step # 5

Identify typical model behavior in the quarrel. Of course, this does not guarantee that you will not do so again, but forewarned is forearmed. For example: it is clear that the scandals on the topic "Where have you been" is unlikely to strengthen your family focus, rather, on the contrary will inevitably lead to divorce. As soon as you catch yourself thinking that you are ready to go to her husband's war, terrywhite yourself and switch to something nice: drink a Cup of green tea, put the mask on the face, download the press and. etc.

To live without quarrelling, boring, and save themselves in negative emotions are not useful. But do not get carried away - that in small doses the drug in large can be a poison.


Bekova I., Smirnov E.
