Exercise for arms. Turns hands. Lying on your back, use your wits hands at sides, palms down. Muscles relax. He clenched his fingers into a fist, turn palms up and tighten your muscles, while taking a breath. Then turn the palms down, relax your muscles and make breathing out. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then extend your arms along the body, the muscles loosen and relax a little bit.
The following
exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest. Tension - relaxation. Remaining in the same position on your back, bend your elbows and put it under his head. In this position several times, firmly press on the sand (breath), then relax all the muscles (exhale). Repeat this exercise 2 times.
Exercise for legs and belly. Bending - straightening. Lying on your back, slowly bend your knees, and feet remain on the ground (breath), then slightly lift the legs and lower them, straightening on earth (exhale). Take a deep breath, then slowly exhale, pull strongly socks (knees straight, the leg muscles are strained. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.
Exercise for back muscles. Arc - flat. Over on the stomach, arms bend at the elbows, palms put one on another on his chin. And now, look in the blue sea. Raise your shoulders, leaving the head in the same position, severely straining the back muscles, legs and thighs. All body Vigneto in the form of a bow (breath). Then relax your muscles, returning to its original position (exhale). Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercise for belly. Sit on the Mat, legs pull forward. Then, without relying hands, lean forward shoulders. If You find it difficult to perform this exercise, You have weakened abdominal muscles. Raise your hands and do tilt forward, fingers touching the feet.
Now bend your knees and sit down "Turkish". Without hands, leaning on the outer side of the foot stand, slightly bending the torso forward. This is a great exercise for the abdomen and legs. Tip: do it when you get up from the litter.
After you perform this little exercise go for a walk along the sea. Back, walk through the knee-deep water, from time to time, going in depth to one-half of the thighs. Remember: every movement on the beach can be a exercise and, on the contrary, the exercise may look natural movement. Remember even a few exercises for the beach. The same exercises You can come up with themselves.
Lying on his back, slightly bend your knees. Right foot back on the ground, the left put on the right and the fingers of the left leg describe circles in both directions. Or: pull your hands along the body, palms turn down. Strongly press each finger on the litter. So, You strengthen the fingers and hands. Or: if You're sitting, his legs stretched out or "Turkish", and You need to take something, without bending the back, sharply, torso bend sideways to the right and to the left. This exercise will make Your waistline flexible. Walking on the beach or walking in the woods, use every hollow, every stump to jump over him. Or walk a few steps on his heels, a few steps on their toes. The rest will complement Your imagination.
Based on the book Wendrowski S. "100 minutes"health & beauty
Vankovska C.